"That necklace was made for you, Valera. The gods sent it down to earth with you, they wanted you to have it which is why any soul who dare wear it besides you, dies."

"I don't understand..." Valera told Qoren, lost in the mythology of it all.

"Valera... you were born from the same magic as that crystal. That is why you are the only one strong enough to handle its power."

"I'm not sure about this..." Valera was skeptical, unsure if she should believe what she was being told. She knew of the mystery behind her birth as well as the necklace but she couldn't understand how they could be connected and how Qoren of all people would've been able to put these pieces of the puzzle together.

Before Prince Qoren could begin speaking again, the fimiliar screeching from Caraxes interrupted the man and instantly, the man ducked out of instinct. Qorens hands came up to cover the top of his head while Valera, instead, stared up in awe at the red dragon that so harshly contrasted the blue sky.

Princess Arianna watched as Valera laughed happily and ran over to the near by fountain and began to climb atop of it, not being bothered by the water that soaked the bottom half of her purple silk dress. The Targaryen Princess shouted out for her lover and received a shrieking response from Caraxes.

Having heard Caraxes singing, Silverwing let out her own distinguishing cry and took to the sky from the nest she made just outside the gates of the Palace. She quickly met up with the Blood Wrym and began to dance around the sky as she sung happily. Valera gleamed at the sight of her Dragon being reunited with her best friend, just as she was about to be.

Prince Daemon held on tightly as the two Dragons danced together above the Water Gardens, allowing them to greet each other before commanding Caraxes to land. The male dragon listened instantly and brought his rider down next to where the three other royals stood in an open grassy patch. Daemon tossed Caraxes a piece of meat from his satchel as he climbed down before instantly drawing dark sister from her sheath.

Prince Daemon stalked towards Qoren Martel, fire ablaze in his eyes, "you dare attempt to seduce my wife," Daemon grunted out, his voice rougher than Valera remembered.

Princess Valera lunged from her which was now between Qoren and Arianna and stood in front of them, holding her arms out to the side to attempt to cover her comrades from the wrath of her husband.

"You do not have anger with him, Daemon, you're wrath is with me," Valera told her husband, their  eyes finally connecting for the first time in what seemed like a millennia. She watched as the Daemons expression faulted slightly but he quicky caught himself.

The Prince sheathed his sword and pulled Valera towards him so swiftly it caused the Princess to let out a small squeal. Daemon held his wife by both of her arms, pinning them to her side and stared directly into her soul, his expression wiped of any remotely positive emotion. Valera trembled slightly when she looked at her husband so closely. His cheeks and eyes had sunken in in the past year, his white-silver braid was matted with blood. Daemons once, nice, reinforced, leather riding jacket that Valera had embroidered with the Targaryen emblem as well as their initial on the inside of his sleeve, was now ripped and resewn in multiple places. Prince Daemon had a new scar the traced his left cheek, right along his cheek bone that was a bright pink.

"You dare come into another man's home, stay with him! Without me!" Daemon grunted out, anger and jealousy boiling inside of him.

"I didn't think you'd care," Valera replied prettily, "considering you left Aerion and I alone to be taken by whomever." Valera threw their missing sons name at her husband like an insult, causing Daemon to clench his jaw so tightly he felt his teeth begin to ache.

With those blameful words, Daemon wound his hand back, ready to leave a large bruise across the cheek of his beloved. Valera shut her eyes, awaiting the sharp sting to arrive upon her cheek at any moment but it never came. Instead, Daemon threw Valera over his shoulder and marched off passed the Martel siblings, "follow me, and you die," Prince Daemon told them coldly as he passed by them. Brother and sister looked at each other wildly, gulping and hearts thumping as they knew Prince Daemon would surely follow through on such a threat, especially such a version of him.

Daemon marched Valera towards her chambers, Valera begging and squirming whole time, asking for Daemon to let her down but he only ignored her pleas. Arriving at Valeras apartments, Daemon kicked open the unsupervised double doors that lead to her bedchamber. Daemon silently set Valera down to which she groaned while attempting to fix her that had gone all wild.

"Don't," the Prince spoke darkly, his lilac eyes now looking black as he looked down at Valera with hooded eyes. Daemon grabbed Valera at the nape of her neck, just at her hairline and pulled at her long silver hair to force her to look up while his other hand snaked around to the back of her bread where he slowly began to undo the many many buttons that kept him from her skin, "you seem to forget who you belong to."

Valera gulped and blinked rapidly up at Daemon who stared hungrily down at her large swollen breasts, "n-no," Valera choked out, head shaking lightly as she spoke.

"Who's are you," Daemon demand to know as he brought his eyes back to Valeras large violet doe eyes, the hand Daemon had tangled in her hair came down to lightly wrap around the Princesses throat.

"Yours," Valera whispered out as she reached up towards Daemons face, her thumb coming to run over the thick pink scar that decorated his cheek.

"Who's ?"

"I belong to you," Valera spoke even softer this time, hoping to get her husband to relax a little bit.

"Say my name," Daemon demanded, his grip on her throat tightening as he spoke, causing one of Valeras hands to grasp at his forearm.

"I belong to you, I belong to Prince Daemon Targaryen," Valera choked out, tears beginning to sting her eyes due to Daemons roughness. Daemon groaned as he watched Valera whither beneath him, the tightness in his trousers growing with the second.

Daemon spun Valera around and gripped at the collar of her dress before ripping it from her body. Buttons went flying as the fabric dropped to Valeras feet, leaving her completely naked in front of her furious husband.

Prince Daemon bit his lip as he took in Valeras thickened body before him, After the birth of their son, Valera kept some of the weight, much to the Princes' pleasure as it kept her breasts and bottom full, "turn around," the Prince demanded as he began to untie his trousers.

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now