"You ok?" I asked, placing my hand on the small of her back as I joined her in the kitchen.

"He won't stop crying... I've fed him, he's got a clean bum, he just won't stop" She said as she continued to rock him back and forth gently, trying everything she could to get him to settle.

"Here, let me try" I offered, holding my arms out to take Jordi from her, not knowing the upset that it would cause.

"I can do it, he's my son too" She hissed, rolling her eyes at me before taking a few steps away from me.

"I know that he is, I'm just trying to help. I'm not saying that you can't do it I'm just saying let me help, we're in this together..."

"Fine, you take him" She huffed as she handed Jordi over to me.

What made things worse at that moment was that Jordi stopped crying as soon as I held him in my arms. The look on Ale's face that followed broke my heart. She was hurt, hurt by Jordi's reaction, even though he never meant to upset her.

"I'm going to take Nala for a walk" She mumbled, grabbing her jacket from the back of one of the stools and walking towards the front door, not before she leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of Jordi's head. Something that she had done every time she had left the house since he'd been born.

"Ale..." I called after her, but before I knew it she had walked out of the front door, without Nala, who was still curled up on her bed peacefully sleeping.

Eli arrived about an hour after Ale left, I'd finally managed to get Jordi to sleep and was washing up last night's dishes when she let herself in using the key we had given her.

"What's Ale doing?!" She asked immediately as she placed yet another bag of supplies on the kitchen counter.

"Oh, she's gone out for a walk... I think she needed a bit of fresh air"

"No she hasn't... she's sat in her car on the driveway, I just wondered why? Is she going shopping? Because I could have done that for you"

"Can you keep an ear out for Jordi? He's asleep in the living room, I just need to go and talk to her"

"Of course, is everything okay?"

"Mmmhmm" I nodded as I headed towards the front door.

Ale was sitting in the driver's seat of her car, her head resting back against the seat as she looked up at the sky. I opened the passenger door and sat down next to her, not saying anything as I closed the door, just reaching for her hand and taking it into mine. We sat there together for a while before either of us spoke, she eventually intertwined her fingers with mine and began rubbing the back of my palm with her thumb like she always did, it was her way of letting me know that we were ok.

"I'm sorry" I spoke softly.

"It's ok, I shouldn't have reacted like that, I know that you were only trying to help. I just- I don't think he likes me as much as you and it hurts. I know that sounds silly..."

"It's not silly if that's how you feel, but I promise you that it won't last. He settles with me because my heartbeat is all he's heard for the last nine months and I have the milk. He'll soon realise that you're way cooler than me and you give the better snuggles anyway" I joked, squeezing her hand tightly.

She laughed slightly, her beautiful smile shining through momentarily.

"I'm sorry I ran" she apologized, bringing my hand up to her mouth and placing a kiss on the back of it.

"You didn't exactly run very far... have you been out here the whole time?"

"I didn't want to leave you both" She admitted, turning to face me for the first time since we were both inside, her hazel eyes looking tired and emotional.
"I just needed a minute to calm myself down, but that minute turned into a lot longer... is he ok now?"

"He's fine, I think he was just overtired. Do you know what he said to me before he fell asleep though?" I smiled.

"He can talk already? I've only been out here for an hour and I've already missed so much!" Ale teased, gently nudging me in my side.

"He said that he was fed up with being in the house all of the time and wanted to go to the beach and watch the sunset like we did when he was in my tummy"

"He said that did he?" Ale smirked, raising her eyebrows questioningly at me.

"Well, maybe not, because he is only a week old, but to be honest I think that we could all do with getting out for a bit, what do you think?"

Ale was quick to agree, the beach was her favourite place, it was where we rekindled our relationship after all that time apart, the place where we would often go on an evening after training to walk Nala, and the place that she had been so excited to take Jordi to the whole time that I was pregnant.

We made sure he was fed, dry, and warm before we buckled him into the car seat and took the short drive down to the beach. It was the most perfect evening, the sky was starting to turn pink as the sun grew closer to the horizon and there wasn't even a breath of wind in the air. We made our way down onto the sand, Ale cradling Jordi in her arms as she slowly walked closer to the water before stopping to look at the sunset. It was what we all needed, the fresh air, to get out of the house for a bit, and to make some memories of these first few days that weren't dirty nappies and spit-up. I let Ale walk on slightly, hanging back so that they could share this moment together and she could feel like she was building a bond with Jordi that was separate from me.

I snapped a picture of them as they watched the sunset and listened to Ale talk to him about all the memories that we'd had here, and the ones she couldn't wait to make with him.

My hormones were still all over the place from the birth, every little thing set me off, but this was something special, this is what I wanted to remember about the first week of his life, not the exhaustion and the bickering that it led to, but this. Our little family making memories together that would last a lifetime.

When we got back home that night and had put Jordi to bed we decided that we were ready to share the news that he's been born with the world. Ale only had another week or so off before she was back in training and we wanted everyone to find out from us, the fans and media were already suspicious at the fact Ale hadn't been seen at the training ground in over a week so we knew we couldn't keep him to ourselves for much longer.

Liked by isa

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Liked by isa.putellas and 461k others
alexiaputellas The last 9 months have been some of the hardest of my life, but you and your Mami have been the light guiding me through it all. Welcome to the world little one, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving you 💙🐻
isa.putellas I love you so much, we both do xx
albaps9 So proud of you both! 🫶🏼
marialeonn16 Auntie Mapi reporting for duty 🫡
leilaouahabi I can't wait to meet him! Congratulations you two! 💙
ona.batlle He's so perfect 🥺
fcbfemeni Welcome to the family Baby Putellas ❤️💙

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