༺ 47. ༻

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After the doctor said that Felix has to rest, Minho took him to his own house but before going Felix insisted Minho to wait here and he went to his shared room with Hyunjin.

He went inside and saw Hyunjin's shadow who was in balcony. He quietly went in - picked his suitcase, which was to his surprise already packed - and went downstairs.

Minho took his suitcase, holds the limping Felix by his waist and leads him towards the exit while Han, Chan and Changbin is still there in Hyunjin's Mansion. Seungmin went with doctor to lead him to his car and then went for buying Felix's medicines.

Hyunjin was looking at Lee brothers leaving the mansion from upstairs - corridor. Tears dripping his eyes out. Seeing his Lixie leaving his house shatters his heart into pieces. Chan look upwards at Hyunjin and Hyunjin ran inside his room, locking the door.

Chan ran after him once Minho and Felix was out of their sight. Han also ran after Chan.

"Hyunjin! Open the door. Hyunjin, please" Chan tried to open the door but Hyunjin already locked it. He yelled at Hyunjin to open the door but Hyunjin didn't.

"Hyun, please. We will solve this matter together! Please open the door" Han also begged but the door didn't open.

They yelled a lot more time but Hyunjin didn't open the door. Han and Chan start discussing about earlier moment which happened outside. Little did they know Changbin was still here and listen everything.

"What?!" He yelled looking at the two guys who flinched at the sudden yell.

"So you are saying that Hyunjin hurt him on purpose!?!" Changbin yelled shockingly

"Yes- I mean, No. He didn't but technically he did" Jisung said, not knowing what to say.


"Binniee Binniee, calm down. That's not it is what you are understanding" Chan said try to calm his inner anger.

"Then what it is, Hyung?" He asked

And even when they don't want to tell this to anyone, in compulsion they had to told him each and every thing they know about it.

"I thought he was stupid! But now, I can tell he is STUPID! Wtf, he did?!" He yelled again but before Chan or Han can answer his question... The door opened.. revealing Hyunjin fully in comfortable clothes, looking fine as hell, and the shocking thing is he was fuckin smiling.

"Why are you all shouting outside my room? I was fucking showering. I want peace but your loud asses are giving me headache. Can you guys at least talk a bit lightly"
And then they think Hyunjin is traumatized by the event that just occured. They were so surprise when they saw him in full cozy cloths and full in chill mode.

Yes, they know Hyunjin is crazy but his craziness vanished two months ago when Felix entered in his life, in his house and now, when he is no more in this house Hyunjin is acting all crazy again. Yes, no one till today can be able to understand his craziness, his wickedness, his kindness, his mercilessness, his mercifulness, his loveliness, in short, no one can ever be able to understand him - the whole him! Not even Chan, not even Jisung, not even Minho but Lix.

Yes, he was the only one who can be capable of doing anything to him but now, he doesn't have him - he doesn't own him - he doesn't let him live with himself anymore - he divorced him!




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