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"Did I just find someone cute? Did I just find him adorable? I know he is Minho's brother and he is cut- no way! Why I am thinking about him? I occasionally see him and never even talk to him but ughh! Whatever, what is happening to me? Minho will kill me for sure if he got to know about me thinking of his brother but who's gonna tell him? Nevermind he is cute tho, No!-"

"NO!-" Hyunjin yelled unknowingly, but he got cut and found himself on floor.

Hyunjin was walking down the hallway and got bumped in some random man, maybe some canteen worker, and fall on his butt.

"Oh, Hyunjin, Where are you lost?" He heard someone yelling from behind and footsteps are coming towards him, he looked back and found Jisung running towards him and yelling at the same time.

Hyunjin collect himself from his thoughts and stand up and the canteen worker bowed and said sorry while still he was not at fault and he knew that arrogant and cold man will never bow to anyone or not even said a single word 'sorry', so why not he said it and end the matter here.

Hyunjin didn't say anything, keeping his cold face and the worker leave may be throwing some tantrums or swearing and cursing on him but ofc in a whisper, he wants to live his life.

"STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM HYUNJIN! YOUR MARRIAGE IS FIXED AND IT'S RIGHT AFTER FOUR DAYS, wow I remembered the date, ughh - whatever" He scolded himself and startled when.....

"Dude-, what happen? Why are you zoning out?" Jisung simply asked catching his breathes as he really was running from a while but what he got? No response.

"HYUNJIN!" Jisung holds him by his shoulder and shakes him like we shake a syrup or juice before drinking it.

"W-woah EARTHQUAKE!" Hyunjin yelled getting startled by quokka.

Jisung laugh his heart out and Hyunjin sighed knowing it's not earthquake but his non-serious best friend.

"Thank God, it's not earthquake" Hyunjin said placing his hand on his heart.

"An arrogant and cold man known as fuck boy getting startled by thinking of earthquake" Jisung said between his laughter.

"Shut up! You bitch! Why you scared the hell out of me, Why did you do that?" Hyunjin whined, which is very rare coz he never even smile or look at people in public.

"You zoned out, Bitch! I was calling your name since while but you keep going on, what the hell is wrong with you?" Jisung asked concerning.

"Ohh yeah- that was- umm just-" Hyunjin started but could not continue, deep in the thought, if he should tell Jisung about marriage or not but he decide to not tell him for now, he don't want to let his friend life on stake so it's a NO, leave it for now at least, he look at Jisung who looks concern.

"What happen? You are scaring me" Jisung asked holding his hands.

"It's just I again got in a fight with him" Hyunjin lied while he hate lying to the people he love, not in a romantic way. He never felt the feeling of romantic love.

"With MR. HWANG?"

"Ofc, he is the one who is getting on my nerves again and again" Hyunjin said irritatingly, remembering yesterday's event.

"Did you get hurt?" Jisung asked checking him if he is hurt somewhere.

"No, Haniee, not a physical fight"

"Oh okay, but what did he say?"

"Nothing much, just as usual some shits about me or my success" Hyunjin proudly emphasized the word.

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