Ch.11: The Last Resort

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3rd Person POV

As Jason was walking through the Paradise Plaza, Carlito's voice came over the announcements.

Carlito: Isabella! I don't know if you are listening to this or not, but... I've made up my mind. This is the Last Resort. I'm sorry I got you involved in all of this... I love you, Isabella...

Jason: That can't be good.

Jason then sprinted to the security. When he got there, he saw everyone gathered in the main room.

Jason: Did you all hear that?

Brad: Yeah. *looks at Isabella* Exactly what is this "Last Resort" talk all about?

Isabella: *sighs* Carlito said...that he'd blow up the mall if he were cornered.

Everyone was now shocked, and Frank chuckled in disbelief.

Brad: Damn! We've got a regular suicide bomber on our hands!

Isabella: It's worse than what you are thinking. The explosion would send parasitic larvae into the atmosphere.

Brad: He plans to spread zombies outside the city?! Is he insane?!

Frank: If that bomb goes off, there'll be nowhere to run.

Jason: Zombies will be everywhere. Nowhere will be safe.

Jason then approaches Isabella.

Jason: Isabella, is there a way to stop the bombs?

Isabella:.... There is. He plans to flood the area underneath the mall with flammable gas, then set it off. The bombs are located in several trucks underneath the mall, if you could take care of them while the gas concentration is still low...

Brad: There's a chance we can stop the explosion.

Brad then checks his gun, and points at Frank and Jason.

Brad: Let's do it.

Brad leaves, and Jason gets his own guns ready.

Jason: Frank, you still have the gun Jessie gave you?

Frank: Yeah.

Jason: Here.

Jason gave Frank a couple of extra magazine for his pistol.

Jason: You're gonna need these.

Frank: Thanks.

With that, Frank and Jason left the security to regroup with Brad. The duo regrouped with Brad in the park.

Brad: C'mon, you two. We don't have any time to lose.

Brad, Jason and Frank made their way to a parking lot outside of the underground tunnels. Before they entered the tunnels, the three found a car to drive through the tunnels to make collecting the bombs a bit easier.

Jason breaks a window to the car and unlocks it. He then hotwires the car, and gets in the driver seat. Brad gets in the passenger, while Frank gets in the back.

Now in the tunnels, they drive around while Jessie relays where the truck bombs are located. After securing the first bomb, Carlito shows up while driving a box truck. Carlito attempts the run them over, but they avoided the truck, and assembled into the car. Carlito drives away, and Jason gives chase. Brad leans out the window, and begins to shoot at the truck.

Jason: Brad, use this!

Jason hands Brad his shotgun. Brad takes it and shoots at the truck. Frank does the same, and begins to shoot at the truck.

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