Ch.7: The Terrorist Returns

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3rd Person POV

A few hours pass, and it is now 6 am on the second day. Jason had just woken up after a few hours of sleep. He gets up and stretches his arm a bit. Suddenly, Jessie shot up from her chair as she gasped in surprise. She looks at one of the monitors, and Frank walks up next to her.

Frank: That can't be good. What's going on, anyway?

Jessie: Before this whole thing started, someone called the professor and told him to come to this mall.

Frank: Jacked the line, didja?

Jessie looked at Frank annoyed, then Jason joined them to see the same person that attacked them in the food court, dragging the professor out of the book store.

Jason: So was this the caller? This guy here?

Frank: They've got something to do with the zombies, don't they?

Brad: They're the reason we came here.

Brad then pulls out his pistol to make sure it's loaded.

Brad: And if he gets away with Dr. Barnaby, none of our questions will be answered.

Brad then leaves the security room.

Jason: We better go and help him.

Frank: Yeah.

Jessie: Also, before you two leave, it looks like the shutter that leads to the Entrance Plaza is opened.

Frank: That'll be convenient.

Jason: Yeah. For us, and the zombies. With those shutters open, the zombies now have full access to the mall.

Frank: There any way to shut them from here?

Jessie: I could check.

Jason: Do that. Let's go, Frank.

Jason and Frank made their way to the Paradise Plaza, and saw that the shutters where open. While no zombies had entered the plaza yet, they would not doubt make their way there soon. Jason and Frank entered the Entrance Plaza.

It was quiet, too quiet. Suddenly, Brad grabbed them both, and pushed them into cover. Thats when the sound of a shot from a sniper rifle went off.

Brad: Don't be daydreaming out here!

Jason and Frank stood up, and Jason pulled out his pistol.

Brad: Someone's shooting from the floor above.

Jason peaked to see the terrorist from before, with a Barret .50 Cal sniper rifle. Frank peaked out to see the Professor handing above a horde of zombies.

Frank: Hey, it's the professor.

Jason looked to see the professor. Then he heard footsteps approaching. He turned to see that a zombie had snuck up on them.

Jason: Look out!

Jason was about to shoot the zombie, but its head suddenly exploded, from being shot by the sniper rifle, causing blood to splatter and Jason and Frank.

Frank: Oh, jeez.

Jason: That's gross.

Brad: If we don't do something, the professor's gonna end up zombie chow! I'm going for it. You two just worry about staying alive. Got it?

Jason nodded, and Frank gave a thumbs up. Brad then went to fight the terrorist.

Jason looked at the professor, then he looked up to see the terrorist take aim at Brad.

Jason: I'm gonna help out Brad. Do you think you can take care of Barnaby?

Frank: Yeah. I got it. You watch yourself.

Jason nodded, and ran upstairs to help Brad. As he was moving from cover to cover, he ran into a store that sold eyeglasses. Brad and the terrorist were taking turns shooting at each other from cover. That's when Jason sent a few shots of his own to the terrorist. The shots missed, and the terrorist recoiled in surprise from being shot at by another person. He aimed the .50 Cal at Jason, and fired. Jason was barely able to duck back into cover, before he got his head blown off.

However, this distraction gave Brad the opportunity to move closer to the terrorist. Brad was able to take cover in a store, before the terrorist took aim at him. Brad then looked at Jason, and the two gave each other a nod. Jason then popped out of cover, while moving up, and sent three shots at the terrorist. This forced him to hide behind cover. Jason then jumped into another store just as two bullets whizzed past him.

Brad took the opportunity to lay down some suppressing fire while rushing towards the terrorist. But, Brad soon ran out of ammo, and had to reload. While the terrorist was occupied with Brad, Jason moved up closer, and took cover behind a pillar. Jason was about to peek out, but reeled back as a bullet nearly took his head off. The terrorist continued to take pot shots at Jason, but he soon ran out of ammo.

Brad noticed this, and rushed the terrorist. The terrorist looked at Brad, and started to run. Brad was hot on his tail.

Brad: FREEZE!!!

The terrorist threw his sniper over the railing, and quickly turned around, and pulled out a pistol of his own. Brad sent two shots, but both missed, while the terrorist sent two shots as well. One missed, but the other got Brad in his leg. Making him fall to the ground. The terrorist smirked, and was about to finish Brad, but he was then shot in his shoulder, making him drop his gun. He looked up to see Jason. Jason was about to shoot again, but his gun was empty. He quickly reloaded, but the terrorist took this opportunity to escape by vaulting over the railing, and dropping to the floor below. Jason then ran over to Brad.

End theme.

Jason: Brad!

Jason knelt down to inspect his wound.

Brad: I'll be fine... Just take care of the professor. Go!

Jason took a moment, but soon nodded his head, and took off to go help Frank. By the time Jason got to Frank, Frank had already killed all the zombies surrounding the professor.

Jason: Frank.

Frank: Jason. What the heck happened up there?

Jason: Brad was shot in the leg. We need to get the professor, and get Brad back to the security room.

Frank: Alright. Help me get him down.

Frank and Jason got the professor down from his binds, and took him to Brad.

Frank: He's unconscious...but alive.

Brad tried to walk, but the pain in his leg made him stumble.


Jason went to help him up.

Jason: Can you walk on your own?!

Brad: *grunts* Yeah, but I'm not in any condition to carry him. Can you get him back to the security room.

Jason nodded his head, and picked up Barnaby. The three of them then made their way back to the security room. Once they entered, Brad limped over to the sofa, and Jessie saw his condition.

Jessie: Brad! Oh my God!

Jason and Frank walked in, with Jason carrying Barnaby. He took Barnaby to a side room, and laid him down. Some time had passed, and Jessie managed to dress Brad's wound. Brad was unconscious, and Jessie was sitting next to him. She then put her hand on his forehead.

Jessie: I managed to stop the bleeding, but he's running a fever. He needs medicine.

Jason: A fever.

Jason then stood up, and paced around for a bit, before looking back at Jessie.

Jason: Medicine, huh?... I'll be right back.

Jason then left, leaving Frank and Jessie. Jessie then looked at Frank and Frank just shrugged his shoulders.

Frank: Don't worry. He'll get what he needs.

End chapter

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