Ch.4: The Not so Good Doctor

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After the gun fight in the Food Court, Jason, Frank, and Brad make their way back to the Entrance Plaza.

In order for the three to make their way to the Entrance Plaza, they have to go through another place called the Al Fresco Plaza.

They eventually get to the Entrance Plaza, but there is another metal barrier keeping them from entering. Brad, however, finds a control panel that raises the barrier, allowing them to enter.

As they walk further into the Plaza, they see the old man they are searching for, barricaded in a book store.

Brad approaches the store while Frank and Jason hang back. Jason looks towards the front door to see that all the zombies are still there.

Jason: As long as that barrier stays down, they can't go further into the mall.

Brad: Sir, if you could just kindly come with us, we can wrap this whole thing up.

???: No, I'm not leaving until you can guarantee me safe passage through these...

Brad: Just open this gate. It's for your protection...

???: I'm not opening any gate, thank you very much! I'm going to stay right here where it's safe! Thank you and goodbye!

Brad: Dr...Dr. Barnaby?

Barnaby: GOODBYE!

The old man, now known as Barnaby, shuts the door to the book store and walks away.

Brad walks back to the two with an annoyed and disappointed look.

Frank: Well? What happened? You can't just arrest him?

Brad: He turned down my offer to protect him...said he isn't going anywhere until I can guarantee a secure route out of here.

Brad looks back at the book store.

Brad: Jessie has a direct line to HQ. The first thing that we need to do is call for backup.

With that, the three go back to the security room.


When the three arrived back at the security room, Brad informed Jessie of what Dr. Barnaby.

Jessie: Hmm, so that's what Dr. Barnaby said, huh?

Brad: The old coot's not dumb. He wants us to call for help first. We got a line out, or what?

Jessie tries to contact their HQ, but she can't get through to them.

Jessie: *sighs* The signals being blocked. I can't even contact HQ on the emergency line.

Brad: So, if we want to get our hands on Dr. Barnaby, we're going to have to secure a way out of here ourselves. Alright. We've gotta deal with the situation we've been handed. The boneheads back at HQ might be working on something too.

Brad was about to walk away until Frank gets his attention.

Frank: There's a helicopter coming. Three days from now. At noon, it's our ride.

Brad: Is your ride reliable?

Jason: Absolutely. That's how we plan on getting out of here.

Brad: Ok, I'll see to it that the DHS picks up the charter fee. Can we bring Dr. Barnaby as well.

Frank: long as you tell us what's going on.

Brad: OK, I'll tell you what you want to know. Later. We have more pressing business right now. If we have to wait here for three days, we'll need supplies: water, blankets and the like. We'll get Dr. Barnaby here tomorrow morning. *looks at Jessie* I want you to keep an eye on the monitors.

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