Ch.6: A Crazy Clown

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After Jason was done talking to Otis, he made his way to the Wonderland Plaza. On his way there, he encountered some zombies.

Jason: How did they get in!? Wait a sec, those convicts got in with that military truck. The zombies must have come in through the same way those convicts did.

Jason then looks out a window to see what looked to be a parking area, with zombies coming out of it.

Jason: And it looks like my theory was correct. *sighs* Well, should've known there'd be more than one way into the mall.

Jason continues on to Wonderland Plaza, killing any zombies that got in his way.

When he enters Wonderland Plaza he notices a sign with a clown on it.

"Spend the day with Adam the Clown, Kids!!!"

Jason: If I had a kid, I wouldn't let them within 10 miles of that clown.

Jason looks towards the center of the Plaza to see the space rider speeding with no signs of stopping. He saw some zombies, but not many, which got his attention.

Jason: Strange.

Jason then looks at the ride.

Jason: You'd figure with all the noise this thing is making, there'd be a lot more zombies here. But, shit, I'm not complaining.

Jason makes his way to the second floor and to the space rider. He gets to the control panel, but before he could even touch it, he hears the sound of chainsaws and maniacal laughter.

???: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Stay away from there, gramps!!

Jason turns around to see the clown from the poster juggling two chainsaws while still laughing.

Adam finishes his juggling act and spins into a pose. He looks to see that Jason has a look of shock and confusion.

Adam: Huh?! Everyone used to laugh at me. Hehehe! I...was a walking punchline, hahahahaha. *sadly* But, not anymore!

Adam then starts to do a mixture of both laughing and crying while slowing approaching Jason. Jason backs up a little and moves to get around him.

Adam: When the zombies came, everyone DIED!!

Adam starts laughing again. As his laugh gets louder, he begins to juggle his chaimsaws again.

Adam: That's why I decided to give all the happy people, a lift on this fun ride!

Jason turns around to see two dead children on the ride, with their hands and feet cut off. Jason looks on in horror and disgust. He turns back to Adam.

Adam: I won't let you stop the ride, gramps! If the ride stops, then the zombies come back! And that won't be any fun at all! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Without any warning, Adam lunges at Jason with a downward slash with his chainsaws. Jason avoids the chainsaws and rolls over to the side. He pulls out his pistol and fires a couple of shots at Adam, but he blocks the bullets with his chainsaws.

Jason: (The fuck are thoseade of?!)

Jason pulls out his shotgun and aims at Adam. Adam sees the shotgun and jumps over the railing down to the first floor. Jason goes over to look for Adam, but he's nowhere to be found.

Jason then walks around cautiously, looking for Adam. A gut feeling suddenly tells him to duck down. He does and he sees a knife flies right past him.

Jason turns around and sees Adam prepare more knives. He then starts to throw multiple knives at Jason. Jason dodges all of them, and fires a shotgun blast which Adam avoids with a barrel roll.

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