Ch.10: The Hatchet Man

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3rd Person POV

Jason was sitting in the security room inspecting his equipment. He was running low on handgun ammo, and after deciding to get rid of the P90, considering he only had one magazine for it, he decided to just use the shotgun and pistol.

He informed everyone that he would be going back to the gun store to get some more ammo. He left the security room with his pistol and shotgun.

Once he arrived at the North Plaza, his nostrils flinched at the scent of blood. He looked to his right to see multiple trails of blood leading into a hardware store. His instincts told him not to investigate, but his curiosity won the day.

When he entered the hardware store, he saw the grizzly sight of zombie corpses hung from the ceiling by their feet, and their heads cut off. Now it's one thing to kill zombies, but to put them on display like this was something else.

Jason looked at the grizzly sight with a mixture of disgust and fear.

???: Name and rank, soldier!

Jason was started by the voice, and turned to see a muscular man wearing a sleeveless red flannel. He was covered in blood, and had a bloody machete in his right hand. Jason also noticed the dog tags around his neck.

???: You can't tell me, can you, fella? Oh yeah... I know why. It's because you're Viet Cong. I'm right, aren't I? You are nothing but a filthy communist!!!

As the man said that, he swung his machete at Jason. Jason rolled out of the way, and when he recovered, he looked around to see the man was gone. He then hears his voice.

???: You, son, are gonna tell me where the guerillas' hideout is... By the time I'm done beatin' information outta you, you are gonna be begging for death to come take you away!

Jason readies his shotgun, and begins to walk around cautiously. He then hears footsteps approaching him from behind. He turns around, but before he could properly aim at the man, he grabbed the barrel of the shotgun, and swiped at Jason with the machete.

Jason ducked under the blade, then the man kicked Jason away. Jason fell on his back, and aimed at the man while he was on the ground. Jason shot at the man, but missed, and the man jumped down into a tunnel.

Jason gets back up, and looks around. Wondering where the man will pop out from. As he's walking around the hardware store, he hears the sound of something being ignited. He turns around to see a red flare land next to him, quickly followed up by a homemade pipebomb.

Jason: Shit!

Jason tried to jump out of the way, but he was still caught by the force of the explosion. He was sent flying, and his shotgun was flung out of his grasp. Jason was about to get up, but the man charged at him. Jason pulled out his pistol, but before he could take aim, the man kicked it out of his hands, and tried to bring down the machete on Jason's skull.

Jason weaved out of the way just as the blade hit the ground next to his head. He then kicks the back on the man's left leg, making him fall down to a knee. The man tried to swipe at Jason, but he ducked under it, and pulled out his knife and tried to stab the man. The man grabbed Jason's wrist before he could stab him, and tried to stab Jason in the abdomen with his machete, but Jason, in turn, grabbed his wrist, stopping the blade mere centimeters from his stomach.

The two stayed in that struggle for a moment, before Jason headbutt the man, and kicked him in the chest making him fall on his back. Jason then stood over him and punched him in the face two times, before trying to stab him in the chest. The man lets go of his machete to grab both of Jason's wrists to stop the blade, and monkey flipped him on his back.

The man gets up after grabbing his machete, Jason gets up soon after. The two then continue their fight, with both men trying to stab or slash the other. Jason was able to deflect some of the man's slashes, but most of them had to be dodged due to the larger blade, and him having a lot more force behind his swings.

Eventually, the man does a downward swing that Jason blocks with his knife, but this results in the knife breaking. The man made another attempt to take Jason's head off, but Jason rolled out of the man. When he got up, he threw the broken knife at the man, only for it to be smacked away. The man tried to stab Jason again, but Jason stopped the blade with one hand, while using the other to punch the man in the side of his temple.

This dazed the man for just enough time for Jason to capitalize. He disarms the man, and kicks him on his back, before planting the blade into the man's chest.


Jason then pulls out the blade while panting, and looks at the man. He begins to walk away, but the man calls out to him.

???: You... Over there... Here...take this...

The man pulls out his wallet that has a picture of him and, what Jason assumes, his family.

???: My granddaughter... She was done in by those damn zombies...

Jason just looked down. Feeling sorry for the man.

???: When I heard her scream... I just lost it... Everything went white suddenly... The wasn't over... Not for me... It...never...ended...

With that, the man took his last breath, and succumbed to his chest wound. Jason then kneeled down, and placed his hand over his eyes to close them.

Jason:...Rest in peace, soldier.

Jason took a few moments to pay his respects to the man. After he was done, he got up and retrieved his weapons. He then went to the gun store to get more ammo.

While he was in the store, he got a call from Otis.

Otis: Hey, Jason, Isabella says she has something to tell you. Can you make your way back to the security room?

Jason: On my way, Otis. I'll be there soon.

Jason hangs up, and walks towards the entrance of the North Plaza. He takes on last look at the hardware store, and gives a salute before leaving.

End chapter.

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