Ch.5: Gun Store Shootout

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After killing the convicts, Jason makes his way to the North Plaza. He arrives at a large staircase and goes up to the Plaza's entrance.

Once inside, he looks to his right and sees a hardware store.

Jason: (I'll have to check that place out later.)

Jason then turns left and sees a sign that points to the gun store.

Jason: Bingo.

Jason follows the signs to the gun store.

Once he arrives, he hears two men arguing in the store.

???: Look, there's plenty of guns here! You can spare a few-

???: No! These are my guns! Mine!

Jason entered the store. He sees a man with a large beard who reeks of alcohol, holding a 12 gauge shotgun.

Jason: What's going on here?

???: I came here to look for some guns, but this guy's not letting me take any.

The man who was trying to get some guns gets frustrated.

???: Look, mister. If we're gonna fight these zombies, we need guns!

The man with the beard shoots a warning shot into the ceiling, causing both Jason and the other guy to duck their heads.

???: Stay back! I trust them damn zombies, about as far as I can throw em', but I trust people even less!

???: Don't shoot! L-Look, let's talk this over!

???: You can talk to my 12 gauge! Don't get no closer, or I'll blow y'all to kingdom come!

The other man starts to walk forward, but he noticed that he has a slight limp in his step.

Jason: Hey. Hang on.

Jason tried to stop the man, but he kept walking towards the bearded man.

Without warning, the bearded man shoots the other guy. Killing him and sending him flying out the door. Jason looks at the now dead man in shock before looking at the bearded man.

???: Now, goddamnit, I warned you! In a situation like this, I can afford to trust nobody!

The bearded man aims at Jason, and before he could shoot him, Jason dives forward, taking cover behind a shelf.

The man fires shot after shot at Jason, and Jason can't move due to him being suppressed.

The man eventually stops firing for a brief moment, and Jason takes this opportunity to quickly peek his head up from cover. When he does he sees the man has just finished reloading his shotgun. The man sees Jason's head and tries to shoot him again, but Jason ducks his head back down.

Jason: (6 shots until he reloads.)

The man shoots another 6 times and Jason immediately jumps up and attempts to shoot the bearded man. The man saw Jason and ducks down behind the counter to avoid Jason's bullets.

The two were in a back and forth between each other for a bit, before Jason realized he was running out of ammo. Jason checks his last mag and notices he's empty with one in the chamber. Jason would have to take a risk and shoot at the man when he least expected it.

He peeks his head up to get the man to start shooting at him. While the man was shooting, Jason was counting his shots. When he got to the 5th shot, Jason jumps up and quickly shoots the man in his left shoulder, causing the man to stumble backwards and fall over.

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