Ch.9: Getting Some Answers

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3rd Person POV

After about an hour of watching the security cameras. Jason and Frank notice the same woman Jason found at the supermarket, pull up to said supermarket on a motorcycle.

Jason: It's that woman again.

Frank: Really?

They look at the cameras, and see her enter the supermarket.

Jason: If we wanna get some answers, we better get going.

Frank: Following you.

With that, Jason and Frank left the security room to go find the woman. The two made their way to the North Plaza using the shortcut Greg showed Jason. Once they arrived, the woman was just about to leave, when she spotted them.

Before they could say anything, she jumped on her motorcycle and tried to run them over. After a few unsuccessful attempts to run over Jason and Frank, she decided to not fight, and tried to escape. Jason pulled out his pistol, and aimed it at her.

Frank: Don't shoot her!

Jason: I know!

Jason adjusted his aim, and shot out her front tire as she tried to escape. This caused the motorcycle to lose control, and she had to jump off before it crashed.

The woman rolled in the ground before stopping. She looked up to see both Jason and Frank approaching her, and she tried to run.

Frank: Wait! We've gotta talk to you!

Jason got to her first, she kicked at him, and he was able to block her first two attempts, but the last one got him in the groin, making him double over. She tried to get up to run away, but Frank grabbed her leg, and got on top of her. Pinning her wrists to the floor.

Frank: Would you listen to me, we're not here to hurt you! I just wanna talk! Now what do you know about all this anyway?!

Jason then gets up.

Jason: He's right. Just listen to us for a second.

The woman then looks at Frank.

???: Are you a reporter?

Frank nods, then she looks at Jason.

???: And you?

Jason: His friend/bodyguard.

The woman processed the information she had just gotten, and decided to listen.

???: Let go.... I won't run, so let go. You're hurting me.

Frank then let's go of her, and get up. She then sat up, but still remained sitting.

???: How much do you already know? Have you called for help?

Frank: Hold your horses, babe. I'm the one asking the questions here. What is Santa Cabeza? And how is it connected to all this?

???:... The zombies were created by you. Not us.... That's what Carlito wants you all to know.

Frank: Who?

???: If you want to interview someone, talk to Carlito. He has all the answers.

Jason then knelt down to the woman's level.

Jason: You're talking about the same guy that took potshots at us with a sniper rifle, aren't you?

Jason and Frank looked at each other for a second, then back to the woman.

Frank: Take us to him.

???: No.... Not now, he's injured. And in no mood to talk to anyone.

Jason then remembered how he had shot Carlito to save Brad.

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