chapter 2

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Authors POV

Taehyung walked inside the mansion he went to haneuls room and picked the baby haneul from the crib. The baby slowly opened  his eyes and blinked it sometimes. Taehyung chuckled and pecked his forehead.

"I will soon bring you a sibling to play haneul, my son deserves every happiness in this world" he said and put him back in the crib.

Then he comes inside his room and sat on a bed. After sometimes jenna comes towards him with a sad expression.

"Taehyung I...." before she say another word to taehyung he slapped her across her face that makes her fall on the marble floor with thund.

"Aaahh" she screamed while holding her cheek.

"Don't you dare to say anything to me bitch! I am totally done with you, first you get caught into the accident and killed my baby and now just because of your drinking, smoking habits you can't able to become a mother again!" Taehyung snarls at her.

he walk towards her and and gripped her hairs in tight grip.

"Taehyung Please it's not my fault if your child is that weak, and now why do i have to be pregnant again when i have haneul, just say yn to gave you another kid" she said.

"Shut the fuck up jenna otherwise i will kill you today" taehyung shouted and started chocking her.

"Taehyung stop" Mrs kim yelled at him.

He looked back to find his mother standing at the door. She ran towards them and removed taehyung hand from jennas neck.

Jenna started coughing. She stands up from the floor and went outside the room after seeing his increasing anger.

"Why did you interrupt us mother?" Taehyung asked in irritated voice.

"You're not allowed to Raise your hands on jenna i don't care what you do with yn but not with jenna. How many times do i have to tell you taehyung jenna will always be your mate and wife not yn cause yn is just mere human she will die after a certain age but jenna will always be young and beautiful cause she's a werewolf beta"  Mrs kim ensured him.

"You know what jenna did mother! And Yn ran away. I didn't even planted my seeds in her properly and she ran away. my haneul needs a sibling to play with him. I just want yn back by hook or by crook" taehyung greet his teeth with anger.

"Can't you sense her taehyung? You can smell her scent,  you marked her , you can also read her mind so why you didn't find her yet?" Mrs. Kim asked with confused look.

"I.....i don't know mother why i can't " taehyung said.

"Maybe she's not in your kingdom or maybe someone else marked her" Mrs kim said.

Taehyung gave his mother a shocked expression. His jaw clenched.

"She can't escape the whole kingdom in just some hours" Mrs kim reminds him."Someone helped her taehyung" she added.

"Knox " taehyung yelled his butler's name.

Soon knox came and stand infront of him.

"What happened sir? Do you need anything?" Know asked.

"Get all the information about the vampire's kingdom see what jungkook is doing these days" taehyung commands.

"Ok sir" Knox said and left the room.


Jungkooks POV

I am standing in the balcony watching the most beautiful scene of my life. Yn  is playing in the rain in the garden. After that day i and yn didn't had any talk. She didn't talk to anyone since two months. Whenever i asked to have a conversation with her she denied. She even didn't let anyone come inside her room or close to her not even the maid. That's why maid always placed her food and medicine on the door frame with a knock.

I guess she didn't wanted to share her pain. When i catch her from jumping off the balcony i saw the mark on her neck probably given by her alpha husband.

As i already know every alpha mark his mate so that everyone around their mate knows that she's taken. Yes i got envious when i got to know that yn is his mate.

I mean she's really a gorgeous and innocent soul. She deserves a polite and caring person not a ruthless and merciless alpha king like kim taehyung.

That's why when i saw his marks on her neck i also marks her at the same place. Cause if i didn't replace that marks with mine then taehyung could  sense her scent and found her till now.

The first day i ensured yn that he can't come in my kingdom cause we vampires have our own spells to keep werewolf away from us but the real reason he can't co

Honestly i was in the taehyungs kingdom to have a look at his mate so that i can use her to give the same pain to taehyung that he gave me years ago but after meeting yn i changed my mind. She already looks so done with her life i will not use her for my revenge. But i will surely take revenge from that kim taehyung.

In this two months i took every information about yn. I got to know that taehyung kept Yns parents as his slaves in dungeon of his mansion where he brutally toure his rivals. And he killed her boyfriend in terrible way.

"Mr jeon" the chain of my thoughts broke when someone called me.

I look back and within a second i found myself in engulf in tight hug. I smiled when i sensed who is he?

"Tell me minhu how was the war?" I asked my best buddy.

"We won jungkook, we won" he chuckled and gave me another hug with happiness.

"By the way jungkook i heard you bring a beautiful girl with you on the way here" he asked wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah" i whispered.

I can't let him know that she's human. I have to do something.

"Where's she let me meet her?" He asked with excitement.

"No, minhu not yet after sometimes first tell me how things going there?" I cut him off his request and took him to living room. I took a another glance   at yn from balcony and took him to the living room.


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