The castle used to be the White House, so there's hidden pathways to help them escape, should something happen.

Perhaps, Paul should look for one in the Petcare House. Every room is bound to have an escape tunnel of some sort.


Wennie sprung awake when her alarm went off. She quickly got dressed in an uniform that was provided to her and went out.

She didn't bother waiting for Paul and went straight ahead to the castle. She clocked in like all of the other servants and went to the meeting place where Devon told her to be.

Many servants eyed her out as she walked down the hallways. Wennie walked with pride and grace. She wasn't afraid to show that.

She waited at Devon's bedroom door. As she did she sniffed the air, hoping to catch a wiff of a new smell entering the room, but couldn't find any detectable scent.

“Miss. Wennie, you're here.” Wennie turned to Devon and bowed.

“Good morning, sire.”

“Good morning. Come in.” Devon let her enter first. Upon entering she saw Dan and stopped dead in her tracks.

“He…he looks like…” Wennie stammered as she stared.

“I've come to understand his looks are…unusual, but he has a rare genetic mutation. He's fully human.”

“He's beautiful! He's not unusual.” Wennie said, smiling when Dan looked at her. He eyed her with suspicion.

“Dan, this is Wennie. She'll make sure you're safe, well fed and happy, okay?” Dan looked at Devon and then at Wennie.

“Okay, Master.”

Wennie looked down at her arms and saw the hairs standing up. There's definitely something about him. Is he the one Alpha is looking for?

“Right! Dan, I'll make sure you have fun and you're happy! I can teach you a few things if you want, like drawing or reading or even painting.”

“That would be nice, Wennie. The TV is entertaining and all, but it's not educational.” Devon said.

He then handed her a golden bank card.
“If you see he needs anything, order it. Nothing dangerous or that can harm him mentally.”

“Uh, okay. Thank you, sire.” Wennie said, taking the card.

“Other than that, just keep me posted on his wellbeing. Make sure he eats.”

Devon went to Dan and petted his head. “Be good to Wennie, okay?” Dan nodded with a bright smile. Devon smiled back and left.

Dan stared at Wennie as she took in the surroundings. “So, erm…Dan.” Dan said nothing. “Let's get to know each other.”

Dan kept an eye on her as she walked closer to sit down on the couch. “So, what cam you tell me?”

Wennie sucked in her lips when Dan hasn't broken his gaze. “Do you want to do something?”

“Watch TV.”

“Okay, fun, but what if I teach you to paint or something? It's really fun, I promise.”

“Is it noisy?”

“No. Just messy if you're not careful, but don't worry.” Wennie looked for a painting on the wall. “Look, this is a painting. You draw with liquids to make a picture.”

Dan stared at the painting. It was one of Devon with his family. “How?”

Wennie pulled out the card and smiled. “It's better if I showed you.” Wennie accessed her phone and quickly ordered some art supplies with an added tarp to prevent making a mess on the floor and very expensive carpets.

“There we go!” She said when the order was placed. “After lunch, everything will be here and I can show you.”

A knock on the door made Wennie frown. Standing up, she went to the door and found a vampire with Dan's breakfast and with an extra plate.

“Prince Devon told me about you. This extra plate is for you.”

“Oh, that's very nice of him. Thank you for the food.” Wennie took the tray and went to give Dan his food.

“Enjoy.” The servant said, closing the door.

Dan happily ate away at his food while he watched a cartoon. Wennie sat down next to him and ate with him.

“Why aren't you on the couch?”

“Well, I want to get to know you, so I'll join you.” Wennie said and poked Dan in his stomach, making him giggle.

“Okay.” Is all he said and continued to eat.

Wennie eyed Dan from the corner of her eye. A million things ran through her head, but she forced herself to stay focused on her task. As she ate, she took note of everything around her.

Detail is the key after all.

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