"I didn't know they were, I thought we were just telling our family for now..."

"You mean, they don't know he's even here?!" Isy laughed, clearly amused by my confusion.

"I thought- you said to let the family know... so that's what I did" I explained, not knowing where I had gone wrong.

"They are family Ale... they are going to be his godmothers and they don't even know that he's been born yet!"

"I'm sorry, I've messed up already haven't I... I'll go and call them now" I apologised, hating that I'd made a mistake already and we were only two days into his life.

"Hey, you haven't messed anything up... it's been a crazy couple of days and you have been such a rock for me and the best Mama to Jordi. It's just a misunderstanding, ok?" Isy tried to reassure me.

Isy and I decided not to tell them that we'd already had the baby when I called, instead telling them that we needed some extra hands to help put the nursery furniture together and asking if they would come and help. They both agreed almost straight away, that's why they were our best friends and the people we had chosen to be there for Jordi. They had been there for us ever since the beginning and we knew they would be the best Aunties to our little boy.

Mapi was the first to arrive and she looked suspicious as soon as I answered the door, staring directly into my eyes with a questioning look on her face.

"Hey Maps, thank you for coming" I smiled, stepping aside to let her in.

"You look tired..." She frowned, looking around the house for Isy who was usually at the door ready to greet her whenever she came to visit.
"Where's Is?" She asked.

"She's in the living room" I smiled, gesturing down the hall as I closed the front door, desperately trying to hide my excitement, but failing miserably.

"I swear to god Ale, if there is a baby in there..."

"Just go in" I smirked, pushing Mapi down the hall and into the room where Isy and Jordi were.

"Oh my god, I'm going to cry..." Mapi blubbered when she noticed the crib in the corner of the room, immediately making her way over to where Jordi was sleeping, leaning over the crib and placing her finger into his tiny hand which he quickly grasped onto.

I'd never seen Mapi this emotional before, I don't ever remember seeing her cry, but here she was, staring down at our baby boy with tears rolling down her cheeks. That was when I knew she would always be there for him, just like she had been for both Isy and I, through all of our ups and downs.

"Mapi, meet Jordi... Jordi, meet your auntie Mapi. She doesn't normally cry like this, I promise" I joked, joining her at the crib and wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

When Ona arrived, she was completely oblivious, not suspecting anything at all as she walked into the house. She was so excited about putting the nursery furniture together and helping however she could that she didn't even notice the sound of Jordi fussing echoing through the house.

"I thought that you'd have everything ready by now, you're normally so organised capitana" She joked as she walked into the house, removing her jacket and hanging it on the hook by the door.

"I know..." I smiled, shaking my head slightly in disbelief at how oblivious she was being.
"Isy and Mapi are in the living room if you want to go through..."

Ona didn't notice the baby in Mapi's arms when she walked into the room, instead heading straight over to Isy and sitting down beside her on the sofa. The silence that filled the room made her suspicious though... she looked at Isy and then me before turning to Mapi and finally noticing the baby. Her face went completely blank as she stared at him, before turning back to Isy.

"Oh my god. Is that... have you had the baby!?" She asked in shock, the realisation suddenly hitting her.

"Yeah, that's him... that's Jordi" Isy smiled widely.

"I'm so confused right now..." Ona laughed in disbelief as she got up and walked over to Mapi, sitting down beside her and staring at him as he slept in her arms.

"He was born yesterday, my waters broke in the middle of the night and he arrived just after 11, we spent the night at the hospital and came home this morning-" Isy began to explain as Mapi handed the baby over to Ona, but he immediately started to fuss when he was placed in her arms, letting out a whiney cry and wriggling around restlessly.

"He hates me!" Ona joked, rocking Jordi slightly trying to get him to settle, but it wasn't working and I felt so bad for her.

"He doesn't, he loves you..." I interjected, walking over and taking Jordi from her, carrying him over to Isy.

"He's just hungry, I swear all he does is eat..." Isy joked, taking Jordi from me and placing him onto her chest.

It was late by the time all of our visitors had come and gone, it was lovely to see everyone, but it was also exhausting. The food that Mamá had brought over had been a godsend, we had a lovely home cooked meal without have to do any of the cooking. After we had eaten, Isy headed upstairs to have her first shower since Jordi has been born, whilst I looked after him downstairs.

"You met a lot of important people today Jordi, do you know that?" I spoke to him softly as I rocked him in my arms, trying to get him to settle for the night.

"Your Abuela is going to be your favourite person, I can just tell. She's pretty amazing you know... she's always been there for me and she will be for you too. She loves you so much already, not as much as me and Mami, but very nearly. Auntie Albs... she's going to spoil you rotten. She's bought so much for you already and I know that when you get older she won't be able to say no to you... so use that to your advantage. If you want a new toy or something that Mami and I say you can't have, ask Albs. I don't really know what to say about your auntie Mapi, because there is so many great things about her... I think she's probably going to be the fun one, the one who lifts you onto the pitch after our games and plays football with you... I can't promise that she'll let you win or even score a goal, but she will always make sure that you are having fun, because that is what she does. She's also really caring though and loves more than most people I know, so if you ever need someone to talk to or if you need a hug, she'll be there. I don't know what your relationship with Auntie Ona will be like because you cried as soon as she held you and I don't think that she'll ever let you forget that... but she'll always be there if you need her and that's something I do know for sure" I explained as I stared down at our beautiful boy who was now fast asleep in my arms.

"You two are so adorable" Isy's voice made me jump as she appeared out of nowhere, her hands wrapping around my waist from behind and her chin resting on my shoulder.

"Your Mamá is pretty amazing too Jordi, but I think we already know that don't we..."

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