Chapter 35: A Date With Captain Levi

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"I knew you were popular but not to this extent," you wheezed.

"In the end, the profits were shared for the Survey Corps, so I basically made us money."

"Whatever you say," you shook your head. "Does this happen a lot? People recognising you and then using your name for promotions?"

"A houseware merchant once set up a corner that said 'Humanity's Strongest Favourite Picks' consisting of cleaning materials I often purchased from there."

"No way."

"Apparently the sales of those supplies went up by 70%."

"Maybe you should start joining Hange in her sponsorship drives. I can't remember how many times she complained about taking over the Survey Corps funding drives ever since she became Commander," you pondered. "We haven't had a sponsorship dinner or ball in a while either."

"Tch, the Survey Corps are doing much better in terms of funding now that the truth about the outside world was revealed. I'm sure we'll be fine," Levi answers.

"Okay, let's stop talking about work," you realise you've started to wander into the subject of work and Marley again.

"Agreed. The apple crumble looks good. Let's dig in," Levi said.

You both dug in, and almost couldn't finish the pie because of how full you were. Frankly, this was the most you both have eaten in months. Soldier food rations are smaller and not as filling.

As you're eating and sipping on your drinks, you hear a child's laughter nearby. You both turn your heads to look at the family seated near you. It's a toddler with his parents, having tea time. The father picks up his child lovingly, scooping him into his arms and feeding him a piece of pastry. The mother giggles and scolds the father for spilling the crumbs all over the child's shirt, and they both laugh together.

You noticed Levi's eyes lingering on the family for quite a while, and you secretly wonder if he's always wanted a family of his own. Given his rough childhood and lack of a family, would he want to start one himself? It was a question at the tip of your tongue.

"If let's say.. Titans didn't exist anymore and we could live a normal life, would you want to have a family?" you ask before you could stop yourself. "I know it's a silly question to ask now, but I'm just curious."

Levi sits in stillness, deep in thought. Finally, he says, "My mind never had room for these dreams, and I've never given it much thought, so I'm not too sure. But if I really had to answer, perhaps it would be nice."

"Yeah, I guess it would be," you both turned to look at the toddler playing with his parents again.

"But I don't know if I would be a good father," Levi suddenly said, his voice carrying a tone of sadness and longing.

It caught you by surprise, and it made you sad that Levi thought so lowly of himself and the way he didn't think he'd be capable of being a good parent. He never knew his father, and the only fatherly figure he had in his life was Kenny Ackerman, who left him in the end.

"I know you would," you smiled and touched the top of his hand. "You care about people more than anyone I know."

Levi's gaze softened, and you could feel him relaxing a little after hearing your words of reassurance. He looks like he wants to say something, but decides to hold back.

"How about opening a tea shop? I have thought about it before, it sounds nice too," Levi said.

"How interesting!" you exclaimed, it sounded like an adorable and feasible dream.

Be Kind (Doctor Reader x Levi Ackerman)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora