Chapter 13: Phantom

Start from the beginning

"I suspect he's been deprived of oxygen in the Titan's mouth. His airway was probably obstructed by all that mucus." You said. "How long was he in that mouth?"

"About two minutes!" Mikasa said.

"I need to start CPR now, or he could risk permanent brain damage," you cleared away the mucus from his chest and mouth. Mikasa did not like the sound of permanent brain damage, and allowed you to take over completely.

Levi and Mikasa watched as you positioned yourself on top of Eren and started doing chest compressions in rhythmic pumps. You delve the palms of your hands into his chest, again and again, hoping to restart his breathing.

"Come on, Eren!" Your hair, covered in sweat and blood, falls to the sides of your face as you repeat this maneuver. Suddenly, to Levi and Mikasa's shock, you suddenly lean in extremely close to Eren's mouth, sealing your mouth over his.

"W—What are you doing?" Mikasa cried out in confusion. You had no time to explain to her that what you were doing was mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. You blow steadily and firmly into his mouth for about two seconds, before going back to chest compressions.

You didn't bother to look up at Levi's reaction, but you can tell from your peripheral vision that he has a faint look of displeasure across his face which he failed to hide. He remains in stoic silence throughout the entire thing, tensely watching for any signs of life from Eren.

You repeat this for about five more times when suddenly you hear a cough, and then a gasp for air.

"Eren!" Mikasa cries out, shaking him awake while he continues his coughing fit.

"He's breathing," you gasp in relief, and proceed to do a full checkup on the rest of his body. Pupils look normal, vitals are still a little weak, but stable. Muscle and bodily movements look normal, no sign of impairment.

"What happened..?" Eren mumbled weakly.

"Don't speak, for now focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths and relax," you instructed, holding his hand to comfort him. "His pulse and breathing is a little slower than usual, but overall, no signs of any other fatal injuries."

You can see Mikasa's tense face relax a little. After you made sure Eren continued to breathe just fine and told Mikasa to call you if anything happens, you shift your attention to Levi. As you check on his ankle, you can feel his gaze burning a hole on you.

"It looks like a sprain, we'll need to take a closer look at the ankle to check for fractures or torn ligaments," you look up at Levi, who is now grunting in pain. The adrenaline must have worn off, now causing him to feel the pain of his injured ankle.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," you soothed him, scrambling for pain relievers in your medical kit.

"Fuck," Levi grits his teeth, gripping onto this swollen ankle.

"It's not broken, you'll be fine, Captain. Just breathe, the painkillers will kick in soon," you gripped onto his hand tightly.

The ride home was a solemn silence. You also witnessed the horrifying act of the soldiers throwing the bodies of your dead comrades', including Petra's, to slow a horde of Titans chasing after you.

You didn't know that Levi's entire squad was wiped out during the battle earlier, and you were at a loss for words. You were just talking to Petra yesterday, and Oluo, Eld and Gunther as well, and you can't believe they're dead.

You thought about Petra and remembered that time you felt uncomfortable towards her behaviour with Levi, one of your first instances of jealousy. You never got to develop a closer friendship with her or find out more about why or how she got close to Levi, and here she was, dead and body thrown away like a tool. Sure, you were always rather indifferent or reserved towards her, but you never wanted this.

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