There were also photos of his family, and he looked just like his mom. I searched on Instagram, but he wasn't there. I searched on Snapchat again, no use. I searched on all social media platforms; he was nowhere. Ahh, I screamed, not knowing how to contact him.

I sighed, ordering some food. I have always lived alone, and I loved my own space because until two years back, Rishi used to stay with me. So, I never used to have my own space. Of course, I love him, but I have been taking care of him all my life that I forgot about myself. I ate something and laid on the bed again.

I wanted to be in Aan's arms so badly because recently, his embrace, his hands, his chest has been my pillow. Now, all these pillows are of no use; they are not as soft as my pillow was. I sighed, putting on some K-drama, and binge-watched it until morning.

At 3 am, I think I had fallen asleep, and I woke up again by 6. I called grandma to ask for Dhada's condition, and she said he was doing good and also following the diet correctly, to my relief. I got ready and went to the store. The store is 45 minutes away from my penthouse, and with the traffic, it takes an hour.

I was working on the new bridal project when Vaish barged in. I scowled at her, saying, "What the hell, Vaish? You know I hate to get disturbed while I am working." She said, "It's important," and showed the iPad, which displayed, "Finally, the most eligible bachelor, Vihaan Singhania, gets a girlfriend."

I screamed, standing up, "No, this is not true!" I panicked as Vaish hugged me tight, saying, "Babe, you need to calm down. You know your health condition, so please calm down." I took deep breaths, calming myself.

I heard Vihaan in my mind saying, "My eyes will always be looking for you, Vie." I finally calmed down, trusting him, as I saw the video attached to it. The model there said, "Vihaan is so close to me, and the most important as well. So, stop spreading rumors because he doesn't like all this." The way she said it confirmed to the media that they were dating, but as I have seen many things like this in life, I knew her by the look that she was lying. So, I looked at Vaish, and she gave me a nod. I picked up my bag and ran out to his office.

After I went into his office, the receptionist asked me, "Ma'am, how can I help you?" So, I said, "Can I get to see Aan?" She looked at me confused. I corrected myself, "Oh, sorry, Mr. Vihaan." She looked terrified at his name and said, "You can go to the top floor, ma'am." I nodded, entering the lift.

In the lift, there was a lady in her 40s holding files and shaking with fear. I asked, "What is wrong, ma'am?" She said, "My boss is very angry for the last 3 days. He fired most of the employees, and today there was an issue, so he got even angrier. I bet he will fire me next."

I said, "It's okay, ma'am. By any chance, your boss is Vihaan?" Her eyes widened, and she looked scared, saying, "Are you going to say this to him?" I shook my head, "I am not. In fact, I will calm him down so that he won't fire you." She looked at me confused, as if I misspoke my words.

She said, "You will calm him? I have known him for the past 8 years, and he has always been the same. But these days, it just got worse. And you will calm him?" I smiled as the elevator dinged, and we both got down. I patted her, saying, "Take care, ma'am." She moved past me.

I looked around to see on this floor everywhere, I saw only men. I went to the front desk and asked, "Can I meet Mr. Vihaan Singhania?" He asked, "Do you have an appointment, miss?" I shook my head, saying, "No, but it's really important." He looked at me, saying, "Look, miss, I am not trying to be rude, but I get to see a lot of women coming in for him. I can't let everyone in, or else I will be fired. So, please understand."

I sighed, nodding because he was right. Aan is the most eligible bachelor, so he has to deal with people like this every day. So, I said, "How about you go in and say that Saanvi came to meet? And even after that, if he says no, then I will leave, okay?" He looked at me, saying, "He is in a meeting, miss. Can you wait for some time?" I nodded, sitting on the couch there.

I heard voices of someone shouting. After listening carefully, it was Aan. So, I slowly made my way to the room I heard those noises, avoiding the receptionist. I went there to see a board full of members, and Vihaan was there scolding everyone. There was also the model from the video, and she looked like she was about to cry.

The moment I saw him, I wanted to run into his arms. However, looking at him, he seemed so different. He looked more scary with the expression on his face, and he was screaming at everyone. He never spoke to me in that tone.

As I clutched the door, the receptionist came, asking, "Miss, did'nt I say you to wait? What are you trying to do?" He clutched my hand, saying, "Please, ma'am, leave." I twisted his hand back, saying, "Don't you dare touch me!" He screamed, "Leave! Leave! It hurts!" I let go of his hand as I looked back. Well, everyone was near the door now. I caused a scene, didn't I? I was so embarrassed that I wanted to bury myself inside the ground.

As I heard Vihaan shouting, "Who the hell is there?" I flinched at his voice, but I remembered him telling me, "If I do get angry or even if, by mistake, I lash out at you, please don't be scared because only you can handle it Vie. Your eyes have this magic to calm the storm raging in me. Okay, promise me that you will never leave me because I was angry." So, I called out, "Aan."

Everyone moved to make him see me. As he saw me, his eyes went wide, and his lips formed a smile. He came running to me, saying, "Vie, oh my god, Vie!" He hugged me, lifting me from the floor. I sighed, relieved. He is my Aan, the Aan I fell in love with. I patted his back as he dropped me on the ground, and everyone around us looked shocked, as if they were seeing some kind of ghost.

Well, why wouldn't they? A minute ago, he was scary as ghost, and now he is hugging some random girl, smiling. He pulled me somewhere and closed the door. I suppose it is his cabin. He pinned me to the wall as I gasped, "Aan, what are you doing?" He kissed me.


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