"you remind me of him."

496 18 37

requested fic where tony gets de-aged, mucks ab with peter and steve makes tony feel like shit

set after avengers; following movies dont happen but peter and tony still know each other, around civil war time

tw: ptsd, abuse


Tony Stark was a genius. He was incredibly smart, smarter than his father, his science bro and his mentee. He wasn't the smartest socially, but when it came to sciences and engineering, Tony was the best in the field. He'd earned countless awards for his genius, and he deserved each and every one. As an adult, he was beyond intelligent.

No one expected him to still be so smart at a young age. No one expected to see him at a young age, but then a battle went wrong and the suit was rendered useless, because whoever was inside it had no idea how to use it. When JARVIS managed to unlock it, instead of a grown man stepping out, a much shorter, teenage boy fell out.

Literally fell.

It wasn't his finest moment, but once the battle was over and the team had safely surrounded the man in a can, JARVIS unlocked the suit without warning. Nothing was holding the boy up, so he fell forward into someone's chest, and looked up to see a boy similar to his age.

"Mr Stark?"

"Who are you?" Tony said, before looking around. "Who are all of you? And where am I?"


It was only then that Tony had seen Captain fucking America, the man his father never shut up about. "No fucking way."

"You recognise me?" Steve asked.

"Of course I do, Captain bloody America." Tony grumbled. "How can I not recognise you?"

"How old are you, Tony?" 

"Fifteen, what else would I be?" Tony looked at the blond like he was stupid. 

"Cool, you're the same age as me." The red-and-blue clad teenager smiled. "But you shouldn't be."

"What, did I accidentally time travel, or something?" Tony was being sarcastic, but no one seemed to be phased by that. "Did I? No way. I must've, like, shrunk or something. Reverse aged." 

"I assume so." 

"So what year is it?" Tony looked around. "And where are we? I'm assuming we're in Manhattan."

"We are. And it's.. twenty-sixteen." 

Tony let his jaw drop slightly. "As in, two-thousand? Like, the next century? Holy shit, I should be.. I should be forty-five. Oh shit, I'm old."

"You're not that old. I should be almost one hundred years old." Steve said, trying to be reassuring.

"Piss off, you look twenty." Tony rolled his eyes. "I don't look old, in the future, do I?" 

"No, you don't." The other teenager outstretched his hand. "I'm Peter, by the way."

"You look ridiculous." Tony ignored the hand and looked around. "All of you do. What are you supposed to be? Super secret boyband? Earth's Mightiest Heroes type shit?"

"Well, exactly that, actually." Peter grinned. "I'm Spider-Man, he's Bruce, she's Natasha, he's Clint and he's Thor." 

"Thor? Like the mythic god?"

"I'm no such myth." Thor boasted loudly. "I am Thor, Prince of Asgard, God of Thunder."

"Okay Point Break.." Tony put his hands into the pockets of his oversized jeans. He was wearing what he should've been back in nineteen-eighty-five, but even so, his clothes were a little too big for him. "So, what are we doing about this situation? Can you guys fix me or..?"

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