"thank you for getting me high."

339 16 69

trying molly (ecstasy, MDMA) is never a good idea when ur already struggling mentally

set during tony's MIT era; the avengers r non existent tbh

tw: depression, drug addiction, suicidal ideation


Tony Stark had an addictive personality. He was very easily prone to addiction. It didn't take a genius or a psychiatrist to figure that out. One look at Tony and it was easy to see. He was a boy, surrounded by people too old for him, and drowning in his own head, with issues people wouldn't have expected from him.

Tony was fourteen when he went to MIT. He was terrified of going to college, away from Ana and Jarvis, where everyone was a giant next to him. It was easier to be the youngest in high school, because at least there were still freshmen close to his age. The only person close to his age was James Rhodes, his roommate.

Rhodes was seventeen, managing to get into college a year early so that he could get on with his studies and make his way into the Air Force. Tony shared a room with him since the two were the closest in age at MIT.

Rhodes was nice. He went from Rhodes to Rhodey very quickly. Tony didn't think he'd have friends at MIT, because he didn't have any in high school, but he had Rhodey now. He loved Rhodey infinitely. 

Rhodey saved Tony from a lot of shit.

You never forget your first high. Nothing ever compares to the first time. 

Tony remembered his first high very well. It was the best experience of his life. He was fifteen, and Sunset Bain, some girl he had seen at business parties, recognised him at a party. She had a little ziploc bag in her hand with three pink pills in it, and asked him if he wanted to feel euphoria.

Tony was bored of getting drunk. He'd been drinking since he was fourteen. So he said yes.

He remembered going back to his dorm room, knowing Rhodey was out for the night. Sunset got into his bed and gave him a pill, and got one out for herself. It was so pink, with a crown engraved on one side, and on the other, MASERATI above a line, 300mg below it. MDMA.

"It tastes bad." She warned. "But you have to let it dissolve on your tongue. Don't chew it, and don't swallow it. Just let it dissolve."

Tony nodded, and on the count of three, they had taken it together. Tony remembered the instant disgust. His face scrunched up immediately, because it tasted like dry paracetamol, battery acid and a bunch of random chemicals all in one. He told Sunset several times that he felt sick, like he'd throw up, but she just shook her head.

She had done it before, so she didn't react as badly. Tony, however, gagged several times, genuinely ready to throw it up. But eventually, it dissolved and he was allowed to try and wash the taste away with a chocolate bar and lots of water.

He remembered being cold and tired, yawning constantly. Sunset laid down in his bed, telling him not to fall asleep. Tony was next to her, holding onto her and waiting. Rhodey was back for a little bit, grabbing a jacket, and told Tony to sleep, since he was tired. 

Rhodey knew Sunset from Tony's stories and hoped for the best. He told them both to just sleep, and he wasn't sure if they would, but left regardless. 

And then, just under an hour after Tony took the pill, his head started to move fast. It was similar to how he felt when he was drunk.

"It's the comeup."

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