Chapter 67- Intruder

Start from the beginning

I frown, "I kept you from getting comfortable while you slept? Why the shit didn't you wake me up?" 

He smirks slightly, "'Cause you were comfortable." 

I scoff and roll my eyes, "God you're an ass." I groan and sit up, putting my arms above my head and full body stretching. 

I scan the room, everyone seems to have woken up, I must've been the last awake. 

Once my eyes land on Inejra, I see her staring me down. I give her a confused look and cautiously walk over to her. She's not staring at me in an I hate you way but a how do I talk to her way.

"Hey," I start, crossing my arms as she looks up at me. "You good?" 

She picks at her cuticles and looks around to make sure no one is listening.

I look at her cuticles, She's doing something like someone I know.

I look at my own torn cuticles and cross my arms again, my attention fully on hers. 

"How-" She cuts herself off. She's nervous to say whatever it is she wants to say.

"How...?" I urge her.

I can tell she's afraid to ask. Not afraid of me, but afraid of looking vulnerable. She's afraid of being seen as weak.

Jesus, she really is like me.

"The marks on your back..." She starts slowly. I clench my jaw and stand up straighter. 

Please don't ask me how I got them.

"The new ones, I mean." I nod in understanding. 

"How do you...not...How do you not blame yourself or...look at men different?" 

My heart stops.

Oh god. Oh god please no.

"Inejra..." I start slowly. She immediately stiffens up and shakes her head. 

"Nothing, no." She fakes a laugh before saying, "Just kidding. Gotcha'!" Her face drops and she walks away. 

I just stand there, replaying the whole conversation in my head. 

Has she...? Did someone...? What?

Slowly, the barn doors opening catches my attention. Maggie cautiously enters. "Everyone..." She says softly. "This is Aaron."

She enters the barn and opens the door to reveal a politician-looking man. 

He's got no facial hair but the short hair on the top of his head is brown. He's wearing a dark jacket over a blue flannel and black dress pants. He has the face of a baby.


I immediately grab my gun, as does everyone else. My heart pounds with the idea of Aaron eating one of us, raping one of us, hurting all of us. 

My muscles tense with apprehension, my arms feel like someone is gripping my biceps and squeezing them. 

The sight of a new man, someone who looks nice but who definitely isn't, makes my heart pound and the scars on my back tingle. 

Keep distance. If he comes near you, kill 'im.

Daryl quickly walks past and looks outside for anyone else before closing the barn door. 

"We met him outside. He's by himself. We took his weapons and we took his gear."

Daryl roughly pats Aaron down, Aaron winces in what? Fear?

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