Stratagem 55: Well Prepared Is Halfway Finished (6)

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Jing He's heart still pounded heavily when he stepped into his palace. He closed the door to the garden as if this could help him to calm down. It didn't help much but he did manage to turn around and took a deep breath before walking over to the door to the study.

He stopped for a moment, taking another deep breath before putting on his usual smile, and then opened the door, faintly inclining his head toward the other person. "Fate's Scribe." His smile turned apologetic as Shun Tao got up to requite his greeting and motioned for him to sit down. "Please, take a seat. What may I do for you?"

The two of them sat down and Shun Tao looked at Jing He with some hesitancy. He wasn't very familiar with the Son of Heaven so he wasn't sure how to act. Based on his father's tendency to want to protect him, it was easy to assume he was a fragile flower who would be easily scared. Well, with this topic, there really was no way for him to put his question more delicately though. The trials were the trials, after all.

Shun Tao cleared his throat. "Well, the Heavenly Emperor informed me that your first trial is about to commence. Naturally, I will personally take care of writing your fate to make sure your trial will be a worthy experience. I was just wondering if maybe ... Your Highness had some wishes regarding the trials? Is there any specific trial you'd like to experience or maybe one you don't want me to include?"

To be honest, he wasn't just asking this for the crown prince's sake. This was just as much out of self-preservation. Just yesterday, the Heavenly Emperor had called him over and told him about the trial, asking him to write his son's fate for this stay in the mortal world. He had made it seem as if it was no big deal but ... well, he knew the Heavenly Emperor and his temper. Everybody did. So naturally, he couldn't let even the smallest detail escape his attention. This made the pressure huge, causing him to fail to come up with the perfect trial even after half a day had gone by. In the end, he saw no other way than to inquire about the crown prince's wishes to at least get a direction.

Jing He didn't know how to answer. He glanced through the door he had left open and at the window of the main room that showed part of the garden. Most likely, Qiu Ling hadn't left yet and was waiting for him to come back. Thinking of him, Jing He lowered his eyes. He wanted to ask the Fate's Scribe to leave out a trial of love but finally couldn't say it.

The content of the Scroll of Fate the Fate's Scribe was going to write would be reported to his father. If he realized that there was no love trial ... wouldn't he presume that Qiu Ling was the reason behind that and had influenced him so the trial would be changed? He couldn't let that happen! His father already disliked Qiu Ling. He couldn't add to that. Especially not with their wedding close at hand.

Even though Jing He said nothing, Shun Tao saw his gaze shift and couldn't help but prompt him. "Did Your Highness think of something?"

Jing He gave another apologetic smile. "There isn't anything specific I'd like to encounter or wish to avoid. Even if I did I probably shouldn't say anything. This is Heaven's trial for me. Willfully choosing something ... That isn't what I should do. I'll leave everything in your hands where it should be."

Shun Tao nodded. The crown prince was really admirable. Others would have jumped at the opportunity but he rejected it with hardly a thought. "Your Highness really is a role model. Every one of us should take a leaf out of Your Highness' book."

"The Fate's Scribe is praising me too much. I only have confidence in your ability. Whatever fate the Fate's Scribe creates it will certainly be the very best." Jing He smiled faintly and lowered his gaze again.

Shun Tao smiled back in reflex, feeling great about the praise. He even felt as if he didn't have to be nervous at all and would certainly write a masterful fate that knew no comparison. The smugness only lasted for a moment though. Shit! The crown prince hadn't given him any direction. Now how was he supposed to write that damned scroll of fate?!

Jing He watched Shun Tao's face turn into a grimace and he slightly raised his brows. It seemed that the Fate's Scribe was rather insistent on having him mention something. In that case ... maybe he should risk it after all? "If ..."

"Yes?" Shun Tao slid forward on his seat, staring at the crown prince attentively. He didn't need much. Just one trial he would hate to experience or one he was looking forward to. Heaven! It would even be alright if he just mentioned whether he wanted many small trials or just a few big ones for his first visit to the mortal realm. In fact, anything was fine! Just tell him something, please!

Jing He pondered for a moment. He couldn't request to not have a love trial included but there was something else he could do for Qiu Ling. "Well, I just thought that ... in case the Fate's Scribe was worried because I attempted my first trial this late, then I just wanted to say that there is no reason to be considerate. In fact, it might be for the best if I could accomplish some more trials this time around. After all, who knows what the future might bring?"

This way, he might only need this one trial period. He wouldn't have to return, separating him and Qiu Ling a second time. No, as long as he accomplished enough trials while down there, just this once would be alright. After that, they could get married and go to the dragon realm, never needing to worry about these things again. That would be a good thing.

"Mn." Shun Tao nodded, pleased that he had finally gotten something to work with. Even if it wasn't very specific, it told him that he didn't have to worry too much. A harsh trial would be alright and might even be appreciated. Also, if he spaced them out just right, it would also be easy to digest after his return. That shouldn't cause any issues with the Heavenly Emperor.

After reassuring himself, Shun Tao felt even better about this response he had gotten and naturally agreed at once. "Your Highness is right. Considering your age it might be for the best to attempt some more trials. Mn, I'll take that into consideration."

"Many thanks."

Shun Tao was brimming with inspiration after getting the direction he had been lacking so he didn't want to stay around much longer. Anyway, it didn't seem like the crown prince wanted special treatment so if he continued to ask what kind of trial he imagined, he might feel put on the spot instead. How could he let that happen? He hurriedly bid his farewell and left the crown prince's palace again, returning to his own Palace of Fate to finally forge the Scroll of Fate for the crown prince's trial.

Jing He remained alone in the study and silently looked at the door the Fate's Scribe had just left though, sighing faintly. Just thinking of what lay ahead ... he still felt worried.

Qiu Ling wasn't aware of what the trials of the gods entailed. He only felt sorry that they would have to wait even longer before they could get married and even had to separate for some time. But he himself was a god so he naturally knew what kind of things were likely to happen during one's trial

In fact, it was not hard to imagine: He would spend a lifetime in the mortal realm. While he might not be a god at that time, the mortals still experienced the same emotions and desires as the gods. Falling in love was natural, as was living out that love. Ordinarily, that would not be an issue but ... he felt uncomfortable all over just thinking about how he might give what ought to be Qiu Ling's to another man.

The first time lying in somebody's arms, the first kiss, the first time to be embraced ... all of this could only happen with Qiu Ling. He would never stand for another man doing those things to him. Not in this life and not in a mortal reincarnation either.

If he couldn't ensure this by asking the Fate's Scribe to pay attention to it while crafting his Scroll of Fate ... then he could only find another way. As for how to do that ... Jing He shuddered as an idea emerged in his mind but he calmed down just as fast. For the man he loved, nothing was too difficult. Whatever pains he'd have to bear, he would do so willingly as long as he could ensure that no mishap would occur during his time in the mortal realm.

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