Stratagem 51: Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (3)

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Bai Fen gave a drawn-out hum as if she had to really think about that. She pushed her teacup further to the side and then gave her son a troubled look. "Well, that depends on what you want."

Jing He's expression blanked. "That ... I'm afraid I don't understand."

Bai Fen sighed. "Well, Longjun is in love with you. He has never been vague about that. You probably remember that I encouraged you in the beginning to explore the possibility. I don't think there would be an issue in being with him per se but forming a good relationship depends on feelings or holding similar values at least."

Jing He nodded. He naturally remembered that and he also agreed with her view. He wasn't sure what his mother was getting at though. Was all of that not in the past? Or had Qiu Ling insinuated that he realized their values were too different?

Jing He lowered his head again, his brows furrowing slightly. If that was the case, then there was nothing to be done. He would hate for that to be the truth though. He wasn't sure what he could change to make Qiu Ling reconsider though. Which part of his was it that he disliked?

Bai Fen saw that her son was once again preoccupied and hurriedly cleared her throat before he could make up scenarios in his mind again. "What I want to ask is: After these ten years, what thoughts do you have? Do you think you and Longjun share values? Are your feelings mutual?"

Jing He's cheeks flushed and he couldn't lift his head to look at his mother. Were their values compatible? He would think so. They understood many things about each other and even though they didn't share all of their views, it had seemed like they were able to work through that. As for mutual feelings ... of course, that was the case. He didn't dare to say it out loud though.

Bai Fen sighed. "I won't force you to say anything. I just want you to think about it. If the answer to both questions is yes, then what you should do will differ very much from what you should do if that isn't the case."

Jing He finally looked up. "I believe I understand, mother. You mean that my view on Longjun should dictate my actions."

Bai Fen hummed. "Precisely that. If you don't like him even after ten years, then there isn't much point in him trying. The same holds true if you believe that there is a fundamental difference in your view of life or the future you imagine for yourselves. In that case, even if you can put him in your heart, you wouldn't have a good relationship. It might work for a while but you need to have some common ground to make it work for the rest of your lives."

Jing He nodded. Since neither of those was the case for him, it didn't seem to matter, unless ... "Did Longjun mention this was the case?"

Bai Fen immediately shook her head. "Nothing of the like. He still likes you and I guess he was never worried about your values. After ten years, if there was a problem, he certainly would have long discovered it as well. Rather than that, I'm afraid he doesn't believe your feelings to be mutual."

Jing He opened his mouth to respond but finally wasn't sure what to say.

His mother shook her head and sighed. "You don't need to say anything. I can see it plainly and the way things have been the past few years make it obvious enough as long as one pays attention. I know you like him but you're worried. But, Jing He, this man has been trying for ten years. How long do you want him to continue?"

Jing He lowered his head and clenched his fingers in his lap. "But father wouldn't agree." Since his mother already knew, why wouldn't he admit that this was his reason? Maybe if he was honest about it, she could actually help him.

Bai Fen sighed again. "I know but he isn't going to agree easily to anything you decide for yourself. Your father ... he is obstinate. You know that. He has his idea of how your life should be and wants it to be that way and not any different. But are you really reconciled to let it be that way?

"You see, if you love Longjun and he loves you, then I believe it's time to tell him so after ten years. Professing your feelings doesn't have to mean that you get married immediately. Sure, he would probably like that but I believe he has also proven that he is willing to listen to you.

"So ... if Longjun comes back, you might as well be honest with him. Tell him about your feelings if he brings it up and also tell him about your worries. He'll understand. And then, you can find a solution together. Of course, it won't be easy but there is still a chance to make it work despite how your father is."

Jing He hurriedly nodded. "I should do that." It was just ... "Do you believe that he is really going to come back?" He looked at his mother with worry, his fingers clenching together more tightly. "As you said, it has been ten years. Maybe he tired of pursuing me and after the last time, he really gave up. In that case, what should I do? It seems unbecoming to rush after him in such a situation. After all, if he has already made up his mind, I should respect that. And also ..." Also, he didn't want to seem desperate. Somehow, he didn't want to be seen like that by Qiu Ling.

Bai Fen watched her son and wondered if she should encourage him to run to the dragon realm to confess instead of what she had originally planned. Qiu Ling might faint from excitement if he did. Or maybe he'd drag him off to be married right away ...

Bai Fen coughed to get rid of the mental image and shook her head. "I don't think it is ever wrong to speak your mind and after Longjun has come by so often, it shouldn't be a problem to pay a visit to the dragon realm instead. In fact, it might be a good idea to do so to show him that you care.

"Then again, I don't think you actually have to. How long has it been? Two days? Three? That might be long for Longjun considering his usual track record of not letting more than a day go by before he visits but it can hardly be called a long time.

"If I were you, I would stay put for a few more days. Maybe give it a week from when you last saw him. After that, if he still hasn't come by, you can go over to see him. Otherwise, let him come and have an honest conversation. Until then ... just find something else to do to occupy your mind. If you're not constantly thinking about it, it'll be easier to bear."

Jing He nodded, not even noticing that his mother had clearly realized that his thoughts were on Qiu Ling the whole time. He simply thought of what else to do, hoping that Qiu Ling would indeed return soon. So far, he didn't believe it.

Bai Fen saw that he was still worried. She picked up her cup, reheating the tea that had already gone cold with a smile. "Don't worry too much. Think of it this way: Running over here has long become a habit to him. After not seeing you for a few days, do you really think he is suffering any less than you are? No, knowing Longjun, he's probably withering from yearning for you by now. Just give him a few more days and he probably won't be able to help himself. You just have to make sure next time you see him that he doesn't get over that feeling."

Jing He flushed bright red but still nodded earnestly. His mother might be right. At the very least, he sure hoped that she was. Otherwise, he really didn't know what else to do.

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