Stratagem 52: Swoop in for a Last Attack (1)

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Jing He took his mother's advice to heart. Even though he was still anxious about Qiu Ling's continued absence, he tried to fill his time with other things.

That evening, after returning to his own palace, he sat in his study, painting for a while and finally reading a book. Thankfully, there wasn't much time left of the day so he soon retired to bed, closing his eyes with a sigh. He wouldn't have admitted it out loud but he hoped that Qiu Ling would return the next day. He really wasn't sure how long he would be able to distract himself.

When Jing He woke up, it was still early in the morning. There was no sign of the dragon king yet, making him wonder if he should just turn around and try to continue to sleep. At the very least, he then wouldn't have to think about his absence.

Laying on his back and looking up at the bed's ceiling, Jing He finally sighed and sat up. Even though it was tempting, he couldn't bring himself to do so. Anyway, if Qiu Ling did return later in the day, he didn't want him to find him in bed. No, he needed to make a good impression if he wanted to save their relationship.

Having made up his mind, Jing He got up and took extra care in getting ready for the day. He didn't want to leave even a single detail up to chance. Everything had to be perfect in case Qiu Ling came back.

An hour passed by and Jing He turned to look at the garden but still, nothing could be seen of the man he loved. He sighed again but told himself not to overthink. His mother had said to give it time and anyway, Qiu Ling sometimes came a little later if there were matters to take care of in the dragon realm. Not having seen him yet didn't mean that he wouldn't drop by later.

He thought for a moment and then went to pick up the jar he used to water his flowers. Qiu Ling usually entered from the door to the garden so if he did come by, this was where he'd go first. With how long they had been separated, it seemed appropriate to wait there.

Jing He took his time watering the flowers and the minutes passed until he couldn't delude himself any longer. He looked at the lover's heart he himself had planted and grown and held back a sigh.

Qiu Ling wouldn't come today. This much was certain now. In that case, he should really follow his mother's advice and do anything else. Preferably, it also shouldn't be something he was simply doing to pass the time waiting while constantly thinking of Qiu Ling.

For a while, he was in a daze. Finally, he brought the jar back and then left his palace through the main door though. Turning to Huang Lan, he inclined his head with a faint smile. "Huang Lan, I will go to my father's palace. Should Longjun come by ..." He trailed off when he realized that he had said the same thing yesterday when going to his mother's palace. In the eyes of his guards, he had to seem desperate, didn't he?

Huang Lan faintly raised his brows. "Then ... I should tell him where you went?"

Jing He nodded. "Mn, yes. Please do so."

"Of course." Huang Lan inclined his head and then watched as the crown prince turned and left. This time, the guards didn't talk about it either. Anyway, after seeing something happen too often, you would also grow numb to it. And while this specific incident could still be called fairly new, the general situation hadn't changed much in the last ten years.

Jing He soon arrived at his father's palace. He greeted the guards and then had one of the servants announce his presence to his father.

Naturally, Rong Su was elated to hear that his son had come by to see him. Even though Jing He did so sometimes, he felt that it had grown less and less. It really wasn't easy to watch your child grow up!

If he could have, he would have rushed straight to his side but currently, he still had some issues to deal with, so he had the servant tell Jing He to wait in the study. Then, he hurried up with the issues at hand so he could go to spend time with his son instead.

Jing He actually didn't mind that he had to wait. Even though he wanted to pass the time until Qiu Ling's return, he wouldn't expect others to drop whatever they were doing for him. Not to mention that just being out of his palace was helping. At the very least, he couldn't constantly look out into the garden or raise his head at the slightest sound to see if Qiu Ling had arrived.

No, at his father's palace, there were only the sounds of the conversation next door and he also knew that this was the last place Qiu Ling would check to find him. Meeting when he returned would rely on somebody informing him as soon as possible.

Jing He rubbed the hem of his sleeve while thinking. Actually, maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to come here. Since Qiu Ling was disappointed with his lack of actions that were due to his father's rejection of the dragon king, wasn't coming here sending the wrong message? But then, he had told Huang Lan to inform Qiu Ling of his whereabouts which should show his intention to meet. Unless, of course, Qiu Ling took this as a covert way of telling him that any further advances were unwelcome ...

Jing He suddenly felt faint when he thought of that. Qiu Ling wouldn't really believe such a thing, would he?

Once the worry was there, it didn't quite want to leave him. Especially so since he didn't have much to do while waiting in his father's study. No matter what the answer to his question was, he couldn't simply leave though. He had only just arrived, after all, and he hadn't spent much time with his father recently. So staying here was important.

While Jing He silently tried to persuade himself, his father finished the issue in the room next door. He dealt with what was supposed to come next by telling the servants to reschedule everything that needed him to deal with a person until later and then went to his study with a smile.

Seeing Jing He sit at the table demurely with a freshly brewed pot of tea in front of him, the cups still empty as if waiting for him, he felt greatly satisfied. It really was a joy to have such a thoughtful child.

He nodded to himself and walked over, sitting down opposite Jing He. "I am glad you came by. We seldom have the opportunity to sit together like this."

Jing He inclined his head. "I hope I wasn't disturbing you, father. I just suddenly thought of coming by but I should have sent a servant first to make sure I would not interrupt your duties. That was thoughtless of me."

Rong Su hurriedly waved. "Oh, there was nothing important to do so don't worry. Even if, it can not hurt to take a break."

Jing He nodded and didn't continue the topic. Since his father said it wasn't a problem, then he shouldn't think further. Either way, there was already too much on his mind as is.

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