Stratagem 49: Listen to the Advice of Those More Experienced! (3)

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Qiu Ling stared at her, completely at a loss. He hadn't expected that question. Even worse, he had nothing to say in response. His thoughts on this were the same as Bai Fen's: Jing He hadn't actually reciprocated his actions. His feelings, sure. In the way that he had let his guard down around him, got comfortable around him, and finally fell in love. But not his actions. He hadn't done anything of his own accord. Otherwise, they wouldn't be at this point in their relationship where a thin wall seemed to be separating them.

Just take the examples he had chosen of Jing He's response to him when Bai Fen asked just now: He had brought up holding his hands because Jing He allowing that had been a big step in their relationship even after almost a decade of chasing him.

Earlier on, something like that had been rare. Even though they spend most of their days together, their interaction was limited to talking and, well, just spending the time unless he took the initiative. Jing He himself wouldn't take the initiative and, for the longest time, he would even shy away if he made physical advances on him.

Sure, he was alright with supposedly accidental touches but he'd evade as soon as he perceived a clear intent. Holding his hands? That was barely acceptable. Kissing him? Dream on! He couldn't even think of that. Not unless he could give himself a reason to allow it.

Truth be told, Qiu Ling did mind this behavior of Jing He's. Yes, he loved spending time together but ... he wanted more. He wanted to be with Jing He in every sense of the word, only fully satisfied if their thoughts and hearts were aligned and their bodies tied in an embrace.

Not being able to get that last part or even get the most basic step toward that with some enthusiasm from Jing He ... it did make him question whether he could ever have the relationship he desired with Jing He. Especially so after a decade of pursuit. If he hadn't been so deeply in love with him, he might have given up instead of trying over and over again to change the situation.

Faced with Bai Fen's question, the uncertainty in Qiu Ling's heart emerged once again. Did his beloved not requite his feelings after all? Was this why he never took the initiative? It would explain a lot even if he wouldn't be happy about it.

Bai Fen had been watching him and smiled when she saw his expression change. "You're making it too easy on him."

"Huh?" Qiu Ling was pulled out of his panicked thoughts, suddenly blanking when he looked at her.

Bai Fen seemed unhurried as if she hadn't just dropped a bomb on him with her question. And yes, to her, there was no reason to worry too much. "That boy, he has grown up alone and, honestly, too pampered. He is ... our only child so we wrapped him in cotton wool. Especially his father.

"Jing He ... he didn't know how to handle you in the beginning. Your approach was too forceful, too unrestrained. Someone like him who was always handled with special care wouldn't know how to react. You scared him and he tried to retreat. He would have continued to do that if he wasn't bound by our customs and the expectations he feels are placed on him. You only managed to wear his defenses down because you were so persistent."

"I was." Qiu Ling smiled, feeling proud of himself. The fact that he hadn't given up and instead come up with always new and changing plans to woo Jing He should show that he was a suitable partner, right?

Bai Fen smiled as well, her expression seeming a lot like a kind mother-in-law at this moment. "Then do you feel that Jing He loves you?"

Qiu Ling pondered. If he ignored the fact that they seldom had physical contact ... "I do."

Bai Fen smiled even more sweetly in response. "But you still haven't kissed him, have you?"

Qiu Ling looked away, dismayed. Somehow, that grin on his mother-in-law's face looked gleeful. Shouldn't she want her son-in-law to make better progress? Although, actually, it wasn't like he hadn't kissed Jing He. It was just that he had kind of skipped the step of getting his consent first and it had even backfired once or twice. So, yes, when it came to a kiss that his beloved excitedly participated in ... he indeed hadn't gotten that yet.

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