Stratagem 54: Try to Grasp the Future in Your Hand (1)

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The two of them bid farewell and Jing He watched as Qiu Ling left. He still stood on the bridge, unable to return to himself or leave this place for a while. Unbeknown to him, Qiu Ling only vanished from sight but still stopped close by. Seeing his beloved still standing there, he also waited quietly, not wanting to miss out on even a moment.

Finally, Jing He sighed to himself. He would have loved to spend more time together but he knew that there were more important matters to attend to. His father wouldn't be easy to convince and the longer he stayed away, the more frustrated he would likely be when he returned. At that time, he would likely have to listen to another one of his tirades about Qiu Ling again. Right now, he wasn't sure if he could take that.

He slowly walked back into the city, imagining the talk he had ahead of him. It wouldn't be easy even if his father was in a good mood. As soon as he brought up Qiu Ling, that mood would plummet anyway. Knowing this, it should be best to try and come to a general agreement first. Well, that alone would be hard enough.

Jing He rubbed the hem of his sleeve. He had already come of age several years ago. Still, in his father's eyes, he should still be a child. Most likely, he would be for a long time. To bring up marriage now ... his father would not be happy. He would likely scold him harshly and then also scold Qiu Ling for putting ideas in his mind.

He wasn't looking forward to that but he had to go and try now. At the moment, he still felt emboldened by finally seeing Qiu Ling again and their promise to get married. This courage would likely collapse as soon as he confronted his father but at least he could bring the topic up. With that, it might be easier for Qiu Ling and his advisers to negotiate starting tomorrow. Yes, even if he could only broach the topic for a moment, it should be enough.

Jing He soon reached the steps to his father's palace. His hands trembled slightly and he took a deep breath to stabilize his mood. He didn't want to face this but he knew he had to. Lowering his head, he slowly walked up the stairs step by step. Reaching the top, he faintly greeted the guards. "Is my father still inside?" He didn't know if maybe something else had come up. It wasn't likely but asking this way allowed him another moment of respite. Without that, he wasn't sure if he could take this.

The guard inclined his head. "Yes, Your Highness. He is currently in the throne room, discussing matters."

"Thank you." Jing He nodded and finally walked past the row of guards and into the palace. No matter what, he couldn't push it off forever. Since he had promised Qiu Ling to bring it up to his father directly, he couldn't be faint-hearted now. Even if he went about it in a roundabout way, it still needed to be brought up today. Otherwise, Qiu Ling might doubt his sincerity.

When Jing He appeared at the gate, Rong Su naturally noticed. His eyes lit up and he felt proud of his son's good senses. He had been worried when Jing He suddenly rushed out earlier after hearing that that bastard from the dragon realm had returned but it seemed like he had thought too much.

Jing He must have thought that it would be impolite to let him wait so he was in a hurry. And he probably didn't think too much since he knew that his father was well aware of how unreasonable that guy was. Really, Jing He couldn't be faulted for that reaction. No, the important part was that he had returned shortly after.

In a good mood, Rong Su finished the matter at hand and then waved for the servants not to let anybody else bother him. After that, he went into the study where Jing He had sat down again, brewing a pot of fresh tea. Seeing this, Rong Su's mood lifted even further. His son was still just as conscientious as ever. Having such a son was in itself a blessing.

He walked over and reached out, rubbing Jing He's cheek. "I'm glad to see that you have returned so fast. I was worried what he might want again." Of course, this was nonsense. He knew exactly what that bastard wanted! Still, he wouldn't pollute the ears of his precious son with such things. No, it was better to leave them unsaid.

Jing He only barely managed to raise the corners of his lips into a smile. He had already feared that this would be his father's reaction but he hadn't thought it would come this fast. He didn't know how to react either. He would never talk badly about Qiu Ling but he was also lost on how to change the subject now. He didn't dare to be casual about it. After all, much depended on this.

Jing He looked at the pot of tea and decided to stabilize his father's mood first. Anyway, he had planned this originally. Now, it seemed even more important. He lowered his head, his lashes shielding his view. "I am sorry for making father worry. That wasn't my intention. How about some tea to calm your mind? Father has also worked hard during this time."

Rong Su gave a hum and sat down opposite his son. He watched as Jing He poured a cup of tea for him, his gestures as elegant as ever. It seemed as if this meeting with Longjun had indeed not caused his emotions to be out of the ordinary. That was good.

"Here you go, father." Jing He carefully handed him the cup of tea, poured one for himself as well and put the teapot back in place. He didn't speak up immediately and instead looked at the steam wafting up into the air. He knew where to start but ... he still felt worried when he thought of where this was supposed to lead. He could only hope that his father would be willing to talk until that point.

Jing He suppressed a sigh and finally raised his head, glancing at his father's expression. It seemed like he was in a good mood right now so Jing He relaxed a little. He could do this. He had to. Plucking up the little courage he had, he wet his lips and finally spoke up. "Father, there is something I have been thinking about for a while. I wonder if you would be willing to talk about it?"

Rong Su who had been drinking the tea silently raised his brows. His son sounded so serious, it had to be an important matter. Thinking of how his son came to him to discuss it, his mood got even better. He smiled and reached over, patting Jing He's hand. "But of course. You know, you can talk about anything with me. As your father, I will always be there to guide you."

Jing He nodded, even though he wasn't sure if the way his father usually was should be called 'guidance'. More than anything, he usually seemed to give commands since he had already made all his choices for him. He could only hope that it would be different this time around.

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