Stratagem 53: Make Bold Decisions When the Time Is Ripe (3)

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Qiu Ling's happiness was almost palpable. Jing He was glad he had finally followed his heart and let him know as well. With the reaction of the man he loved added, his heart seemed to swell, unable to contain all the feelings assailing him. He held onto his shoulders as if only Qiu Ling's presence could ground him in reality right now.

At the same time, the usual worries reared their ugly head when Qiu Ling's words registered. To marry at the next possible date ... it sounded like a dream come true but trying to imagine how they prepared everything for the occasion, he thought of the one major obstacle still standing in their way.

Jing He's happiness somewhat dimmed and his fingers couldn't help but curl into the fabric of Qiu Ling's robe. He tried not to show his worry too much but he also knew that he had to bring it up. "I ... I would love that but I don't know if it'll be possible to do this very fast. There will be many matters that need to be attended to first. First of all ... my parents need to be informed." He didn't expand on that but he knew that Qiu Ling should be aware.

The dragon king indeed sighed in response. "You say 'parents' but you're mostly worried about your father's reaction, aren't you?" He rubbed Jing He's cheek and smiled lightly. "Don't worry. I'll go and speak to him. Mn, since this is a big matter, it would probably be best to follow protocol. That should also show him how serious I am about this.

"I'll go back to the dragon realm later, discuss with my advisers, and then send word to the Nine Heavens to come up with a date to talk. Then, I'll formally request to marry you and we can also talk about all the necessary details. What do you think?"

Jing He thought it sounded like a beautiful dream but ... "I ... I am not quite sure he'll be thrilled if you bring it up. Maybe ... maybe it would be better if I talked to him first."

Qiu Ling raised his brows. "You want to talk to him about this?" He had a hard time imagining that. Jing He was ... well, he was a lot of things and while he loved most of them, he had to admit that his beloved had a few bad habits. Part of that was that he was somewhat indecisive and couldn't stand up for what he wanted even after making a decision. He also wanted to please everyone which was hardly possible in this regard with his father so against their relationship.

So even if Jing He said that he wanted to bring up the topic ... it seemed unlikely that he could really go through with it. But then, he had waited ten years. He could wait a few more days for Jing He to gather the courage. Anyway, even if his beloved wasn't the one to bring up the topic first, he'd still need to admit to his father later on that this was indeed what he wanted. Some mental preparation would certainly go a long way in that regard.

Thinking until here, Qiu Ling nodded. "Well, if you believe this will go over better, then I naturally won't insist. If it is too hard to do alone and you want me to accompany you or take over, you can tell me at any point though. Don't forget that — as your fiance — I will always have your back. No matter what happens from now on, I will share all your burdens. If you need me, just one word is enough and I'll fly to your side."

Jing He's cheeks reddened when Qiu Ling stressed the word 'fiance' and he nodded when he finished speaking, feeling somewhat shy. He had wanted an official relationship with this man for so long and even though this engagement was only between the two of them right now and still needed to be made official to count, it felt good to hear Qiu Ling call himself his fiance. It ... seemed to embolden him a little.

He wanted to hear Qiu Ling say this again and he wanted to hear others refer to him as Qiu Ling's fiance or the future spouse of the dragon king. If he wanted that though, he couldn't be timid now. He had to act, no matter how difficult it was.

He reached up and grabbed Qiu Ling's hand, gently holding onto it. "I know but ... I can do this. I will go and speak to him later today and bring it up immediately. Then tomorrow ... tomorrow, maybe you can already make an appointment with him."

Qiu Ling nodded. "That sounds lovely. I can't wait to become your husband or to at least make our engagement official. Every step closer is one I want to celebrate." He thought for a moment and then leaned closer, kissing Jing He on the lips. This time, he didn't try to deepen it though. He simply wanted to express his love and give some encouragement along the way. "Since you'll speak to your father, I will also prepare on my side.

"There won't be much to do in the dragon realm but my advisers should be informed and we will also try and come up with a plan to smooth things out with your father. I know he doesn't like me much and I probably can't change this in a short amount of time but I will do my best to slowly work on it. I know how much you care about your family, after all, so I don't want to come between you and your parents."

Jing He smiled. Qiu Ling was so thoughtful in everything he did. Taking his father's feelings into consideration was just once again proof of that. In comparison, his father was really too harsh on him. He didn't even want to entertain the idea of getting along.

He couldn't help but compare but then hastily tried to get rid of the thought. That was still his father he was thinking about there. He really shouldn't be disrespectful even if it was only in his mind. It was better to try and use the opportunity later to talk Qiu Ling up to him. His father may be strict but he loved him, he didn't doubt that. If he realized how much he liked Qiu Ling, maybe he would also be moved.

Thinking of this, Jing He relaxed. "Yes, it would be good to be prepared. I don't know yet how my father will react but it can't be pushed off for too long." He had already hugged and kissed Qiu Ling. Even though nobody but they knew, it wouldn't do to let this go on for much longer. Especially since ...

He raised a hand to his lips, thinking back to earlier when Qiu Ling had changed his hold on him and deepened the kiss. It had felt as if he was getting ready to do more to him, although he was unable to say how far it would have gone. Still, with the promise in place, he didn't think Qiu Ling would be willing to wait much longer. His patience had clearly been worn thin over the years and now, mere words couldn't hold him much longer.

Jing He looked at the expression of the man in front of him which seemed content at the moment with a hint of expectation for what was to come. He had learned what the dragons were like in the past decade. Physical expressions of love were important to them and for Qiu Ling, things should have felt lacking in that department.

Since he couldn't give himself to him until the wedding ceremony had passed without besmirching his own reputation, this had to be hurried. Only after the fact could he be sure, after all. When everything that was only allowed to occur between spouses had happened between them, Qiu Ling would never leave. He was that type of man. He didn't doubt that for a moment.

Qiu Ling's eyes twinkled. He had been stared at by the person he loved for a rather long time. Jing He's cheeks were also stained with a blush as if he was embarrassed by what was going through his mind. Seeing this, he couldn't help but lean in closer again. "So ... do you want to spend more time together or should we share a goodbye kiss before you return to your father's palace?"

Jing He took a fluttering breath but hurriedly stepped back before he could be tempted to do something indecent. "I ... I should go. I will see Longjun tomorrow?"

Qiu Ling clicked his tongue, feeling that it truly was a pity. He still nodded though. "Don't worry, I will be there." Anyway, he had missed him, and having to part again this soon after they had just reunited ... it was honestly one of the hardest things he had ever done.

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