Cнаpтёя Tщёптч

Start from the beginning

"That's what I thought," I scoffed.

I took a larger sip this time and swallowed almost a mouth full. That's when I felt the tingling of the alcohol, but my body reacted lively to it. My body would eventually become numb to the feeling.

"I didn't know he would come for me, but from what I have heard it seems it's your cousin to blame!" she snaps.

"Oleg? Oleg should have been smarter it costed him his life and his family."

"Kazimir you killed your family! You don't seem to care at all, because of me. Do you not feel bad?"

"YOU! You caused me too kill his family! I do not feel bad nor do I care if they were my family! It is your fault why they are dead!"

Her eyes widened and she blinked rapidly her eyes glossing. I sighed and I massaged the bridge between my nose. No shouting, no shouting Kaizmir, no shouting.

"How is it my fault?" She quivered.

"You went and faked your death, you ran off to England with no protection. All you needed to do was to come back to me."

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry.. that I caused this. You must feel t-."

"What I feel is anger, betrayal and disloyalty," I
gritted out.

I wanted to shout again and make her understand what she did to me and to us. I watched her and she held her belly. I wanted to touch just to get a small feeling. She nods her head a little bit.

"I understand, I-."

"Do you really?" I sneer.

"Yes! My sister betrayed me. Someone I considered to my best friend forever, blamed me for things I didn't do. Pur-."

Her eyes watered and her voice breaks. She leaned back and started taking deep breaths. Should I mention to her what she told me? No, I'm going to have to wait on that one. Knowing her she will shut down on me. Why does that matter? Why not lay everything out on the table.

I take another gulp of the whiskey, my feelings to strong and raw that I might want to say things I don't mean. Things to hurt her, make her feel my pain for the last four months.

"I understand that you feel all of that. I am sorry and I know that won't fix anything between us."

"Sorry that you left me thinking you were dead? Sorry for putting my babie-."

"Our babies, Their not a missing a parent," she corrects.

I glared at her as she mentioned our babies. I started muttering under my breath mocking her about our babies, as I slammed the cup onto the table and pouring myself more alcohol.

Now I'm a considered a parent. I was the missing parent for four months. I'm suddenly back in her life and she chooses to make the decision that I am a parent?

"So you're sorry for putting OUR babies in danger. I wasn't included when you decided to run away to a different country."

I enunciated the our since I suddenly happen to be in the our. Our babies? Our babies? I could feel my pressure rising and the alcohol was not helping.

"You're right I did put them in danger, I never considered how you felt," she exhaled.

"Do you think that it supposed to make me feel better? You made a decision without me, you want to say our now. If Juan had killed them, it would have been your fault and only your fault. Not our fault!"

"Your fault!" I repeated.

I pointed my finger at her in the air and she stared at my finger. She looked up at me, her lips parted as they trembled. Tears spilling out of her eyes and she tried wiping them away.

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