─ 35. bedtime stories

Start from the beginning

He watched me, unflinching, with his intense eyes, seemingly begging for me to speak. I ignored his look, and turned my gaze back onto my plate.

I shoveled kimchi fried rice past my lips, forcing myself to eat as much as I could, not wanting to seem rude.

Dinner soon dragged on, and was over.
After being shooed away from the kitchen by Ae Ri and...Jungkook, I helped Munjin to the best of my ability to help him get Dae ready for bed.

"Can you read me a story, Mo–Lena?" Dae asked, once again mixing up his words before correcting himself. He watched me, arms holding Tae Tae close to his body as he snuggled into his train comforter set.

With a glance at a smiling Munjin, I finally let my own smile show.

"Of course I can, which one?" I asked, sending a final smile to Munjin, who carefully walked out of the room, beaming. I scurried to Dae's little bookshelf that was underneath his window and squatted down.

Dae's giggle brightened up my sullen mood.

"Umm...can you read me the cat in the hat?" he asked eagerly, holding Tae Tae tighter in his little hands. A giggle flew past my lips.

"A classic!" I smiled, finding the book and picking it out from the shelf with a thumb.

Dae scrambled up from his spot and patted the bed.

"C'mon, Mo–Lena! Sit with me, please?" he begged, puppy eyes glowing with happiness. I smiled, and nodded. I dusted off my leggings and sweater and climbed onto his bed, settling my back against his headboard.

With the book in hand, I urged Dae to come closer.

The adorable little boy squealed out happily and scrambled to my lap.

Settling Dae, I carefully set my casted left hand on his leg as his back settled against my torso. I breathed in his calming lavender scent and pressed my nose to his slightly damp hair before I spoke.

"Ready, Dae-Dae?"

With his nod, I started off reading, voice calm and soft.



Down in the kitchen, Jungkook, Ae Ri, and Munjin were all nursing a glass of red wine each as they sat around the table after finishing the cleaning.

Ae Ri and Munjin watched their son sigh sadly and ruffle his fingers through his newly shortened hair.

"Jungkook?" Munjin asked, watching the man across from his closely.

"Yeah, Appa?" Jungkook said, snapping his eyes up to stare into his father's.

"What's wrong, honey?" Ae Ri asked, "Have you gotten to speak with her?"

Jungkook let out a humorless chuckle and shook his head, tattooed fingers clenching around the stem of his expensive crystal wine glass.

"No," his voice came out pained. "I...I just don't know what to say to her." he didn't want to bring up the fact that he now knew that his sweet little Elena had seen him and Selene together.

Just thinking of it made him sick to his stomach.

"I don't even know how to broach the topic of Selene, Eomma. I...I'm just lost. I want to tell her everything...but I don't want to push her to where she doesn't even want to be in the same vicinity as I am." Jungkook would rather not think that his baby wasn't avoiding him like he was a contagious disease.

"Just...ask her if she would let you speak - to explain yourself." Munjin offered a solution, "I know you don't want to overwhelm her, son. I know that. But...sometimes a little...push is necessary. At least until everything is out in the open, and you two decide to figure out what's next." he worded his sentences carefully.

"You mean if she decides to forgive me...and if she still has feelings for me, you mean." Jungkook said, voice nearly a whisper.

The thought of his Elena not feeling anything for him anymore was crippling. He didn't - he couldn't think of that yet.

What would he do with himself if she decided he wasn't worth it?

He absentmindedly cradled his tattooed hand to his heart, pressing down when the heartbreak flared.

Munjin frowned lightly before forcing a smile.

"You'll never know until you speak with her son," He said, arm going around his wife's shoulder to hold her close. "She's upstairs, reading Dae a bedtime story...maybe when she's done, you can finally speak to her. Alone."

Jungkook bit down on his lip, contemplating.

Fuck it.

He'd try anything at this point. 


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Lemme know what you think!

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