Chapter 13 [ Her protector ]

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"Why aren't you eating anything?" He inquired, loading his spoon

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"Why aren't you eating anything?" He inquired, loading his spoon. "No, it's not like this," I responded and held a spoon, glancing at him again, engrossed in his meal. Maybe I should stop overthinking; he is sweet, and that was just an incidental touch. He did not have any intention to make me uncomfortable.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Why? I mean, you are young enough to-
"I don't love anyone," I interrupted his words. "Love?" He chuckled, making my for head furrow. "What?" I asked in a fit of confusion. "No need for love to get into a relationship," he chuckled one more time, providing the answer. He replied with a cross-question. "Hmm," I lowered my gaze.

"Miss Oberoi, you can love later; now it's your age to fulfill your needs," he said, gazing at me, leaving me speechless. I managed to speak, breathing in before asking him.
"What kind of need?"
"Need of sex," he replied with a distasteful expression on his face that made me choke. I coughed, drank a glass of water, and patted my chest, trying to calm myself. I gulped, looking back at him.

"Have you ever had a one-night stand?" I coughed hard on his question. "What does it mean?". I crossed the question, managing to speak, even though my neck started aching.

What kind of things is he asking me? What happened to his green flag friendship? He needs to hear that I'm not here for this kind of thing.

I know there is something not good about this, but I don't know the exact meaning of this.

Just then, Mr. Rudransh called me; I received his call, lowered the volume, and put my phone down. In any case, something happens here, so he would be aware of that.

"Sexual things just for one night; that's called a one-night stand," he explained, cleaning his hand with tissue paper. "No, I had not," I replied and did the same even though I did not touch the plate.

"What about you?" I asked, drinking another glass of water. "Well, I have engaged in 500-plus encounters with girls," he replied casually. My stance widened, and my jaw dropped. My head feels like it is going to explode.

This is shameless. "And what about your girlfriend? Do you have one?" I interrogated. I was just curious; were all those one-night stands with strangers, or were any of them his girlfriend?

"Once I had a dull girlfriend; she was flat and-"
With his words, I remembered I was flat as well. I gulped with his thinking; just then, a thought hit my mind. I smirked, knowing I was safe. He is not interested in flat girls.

"I told her to break up, but she was so obsessed with me. Her best friend was attractive, so we guys had a one-night stand; that was my first one-night stand," he told me about his past, and I wished I could kill him right there.

He seriously cheated on his girlfriend with her best friend, and that woman's best friend, I don't know why these types of people even exist.

"Did you notice the bridge while reaching here?" I asked, standing up. "Yeah," he answered, still sitting, looking up at my face. He was still in the same confidence, like he did the thing which is why he would get the award.

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