Chapter 2 - Kai'tau

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She shouldn't be allowed to be so luscious.

Or weak.

How has such a fragile, susceptible thing survived to adulthood?

I love this stage. The time before a woman's malleable brain realizes she should be fighting an intruder. The softening of her will. The darkening of her soul.

She hasn't succumbed to me yet, but she will soon. Something about this one makes me eager for her downfall.

Maybe it's her soft voice. Or her big brown eyes. Or her curves.

She's gorgeous for a human.

But there's more.

Usually by now they'd be crying in their sleep.

Not her.

She makes the cutest little noises, her breaths growing choppy and her sensual lips tilting down.

Almost as though she's angry instead of sad.

I can't wait to see her break. Will she cry? Scream? Plead?

For some reason, I have no urge to rush to the next stage.

Looking down on her has its own delights.

Like a flame finding fuel, I solidify, starting at my feet and growing into my form natural for this species.

Her little eyebrows scrunch and her hand twitches against her pillow.

I've been trapped in this realm too long. My kind have always found human women pleasing to the eye, which is why we visit them from time to time, but I shouldn't feel this pull to her.

I glance toward her bedside table, smirking at the shallow bowl sitting there.

A week ago, she kept her rings on the bathroom counter.

Now she puts them beside her bed every night.

She's grown more susceptible to my suggestions.

Glimpsing the thin silver band inside the bowl, I scowl and turn away.

Her breasts capture my attention, the rise and fall of her chest making them seem as though they beckon me. The thin shirt does little to hide the color change in her delectable flesh towards the center. Even with her nipples not hardened, I enjoy the outline they present.

I settle the fingertips of my left hand on her fragile wrist, loving the way her tendons jump as her muscles twitch. Her breathing stays deep, but as I ghost my palm up the inside of her arm, a hitch forms at the end of her inhales.

Her warm flesh ignites a fire within me, and I cling to the sensation. I haven't felt anything so strongly in too long, but despite my eagerness to drown in the sensuality her body promises, I continue with slow movements, savoring the gradual build up.

I trace her collarbone until my need to touch more of her calls me. She sucks in an uneasy breath and twitches, the slight movement of her shoulder making her breasts wobble.

Enjoying her attempts to rise from slumber, I wrap my will around her mind and hold her conscience hostage. A cute little whimper leaves her throat, and my denied cock jerks in excitement.

Even when I gather her barely concealed breast in my hand, she has no hope of escaping my power.

As though to negate my thoughts, she flops her furthest arm toward the other side of the bed and turns her face away from me.

The show of resistance only makes my cock pulse harder with the need to violate her. To take her rougher than any other male ever has before. To take what I want whether she wants to give it or not. To break her.

It's only fair, since one of her kind did the same to my soul. Rent in two and barred from my homeland, I've plagued this realm for far longer than I prefer.

This world has always been prone to chaos, but since humans have lost track of their heritage, they've ruined any chance of prosperity.

If this woman knew she had even the slightest hum of magic in her veins, she would have avoided my talisman as though it were a plague. Instead, she'd been blind to my whispers and bought the trinket with nary a thought.

I squeeze her enticing mound of flesh, basking in the tightening of her nipple and salivating over the picture she makes.

Skimming my right hand up her arm, I grasp her chin between my fingers and guide her face back toward me.

Her eyebrows scrunch, but she stays lax, aside from the catch in her every breath.

Moving my left hand to her other breast, I make sure to jostle her so I can watch them wiggle before I grab her. Her nipple pebbles under my palm and a moan rumbles from my chest.

Her tiny nub peaks further, responding to my virility as she shudders in reflex.

I watch as her lips tilt down, almost as though she's preparing to scold me. In retaliation, I pinch her nipple between my finger and thumb, ignoring the awe igniting in my soul as it makes our size differences glaringly obvious, and compress the tiny tip until she squirms under my hands.

Her lips part on a gasp, which makes my cock hurt with want.

Releasing her nipple, I rub my palm over the abused tip, growling my pleasure as it hardens even further. She exhales a jagged sound, one not quite a moan nor a groan, and I fight my cock's insistent demands.

Giving it more of what it wants, I step closer and let it brush against the tiny section of her midriff her attempts at evasion have exposed.

The smooth glide of my sensitive cockhead against her warm flesh pulls a groan from my chest.

Stretching the sound, I let it morph into a purr, knowing she has zero defenses against my dominance.

The peak under my palm bunches harder than before even when her chin tries to lift from my grasp as her back bows in reaction.

Weaving my wicked desires into the sound, I ensure the most basic part of her mind absorbs my purr, forcing her to endure the fierce frustrations I myself am suffering.

A strange ache begins in my chest, and I do my best to contain it.

I yearn to see her expressive eyes as I manipulate both her body and her mind. The longing to connect with her soul grows, but I siphon it away and lower my purr to an ominous growl.

Letting go of her breast, I trail my hand down her stomach, little zaps of imagined electricity zinging up my wrist as I pass over the exposed portion around her waist.

The heat of her cunt scorches me through her undergarment and shorts.

My next goal will be to entice her to sleep nude.

For now, I'm grateful for the barrier.

I want to savor her confusion when she wakes with a sopping pussy.  

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