Chapter 3 - Zuli

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My heart nearly hits the ceiling as my phone's ringtone yanks me out of the darkest dream I've ever had.

Scanning the room, I relax when I don't find anyone lurking in the corners.

I grab for my phone but miss, not because my aim is off, but because my phone isn't where I left it. I could have sworn I put it between the edge of my nightstand and my jewelry, but it's on the other side of my notebook instead.

Concerned I may miss the call, I lunge sideways and snatch up the rectangle of whatever material phones are made from.

Seeing the caller ID, I swipe the green button across the screen and mash the speaker icon. Flopping back down onto the bed, I greet my best friend.

"Zuli? Are you okay? You sound awful," Clemint answers.

"Thanks for that. I think I'm okay," I respond before wincing at the grogginess in my voice.

"You're still in bed?! Woman, it's nine o'clock in the morning. You must be dying. I'm coming over," she says in a rush, speaking so fast it takes me a moment to process her words.

"Oh shoot, I guess my alarm didn't go off. I'm fine though, Mint. You don't have to change your plans to come babysit me."

"You never sleep in past seven. Even in college after partying all night, you still popped up god-awful early, bright eyed and bushy tailed. I still hate you for that, by the way."

A smile creeps onto my face.

"I know. I love you too, boo," I say, cooing into the microphone as though she's my entire world and I could never fawn over her enough.

Her giggle doesn't last nearly long enough.

"But Zuli, you told me you had a tight deadline this time around. Are you okay?"

I've never been good at lying, but I really don't want her coming over. My place is a mess. If she saw it, she'd get even more worried.

"I'll be better once I finish the rough draft," I say, ending my words on a sigh to hide the tightness in my chest.

In order to finish, I have to actually begin.

My gut tightens as a quiet pause highlights her ability to read me without even seeing my face.

"I'm coming over." It sounds as though she's already lowering the phone to hang up.

"No, Mint, I..."

It takes me a moment to think of a way to stop her from invading my wrecked apartment.

"I think I could use an outing. Meet me at the bistro for lunch?"

She hums as though she's thinking hard, the brain between her ears too intuitive for my current situation.

"You don't have a secret boyfriend, do you?"

I laugh, the sound a little strangled despite my best efforts.

"Why the hell would I let a man interfere with my life? No thanks, Mint. Maybe it's you who needs their head checked?"

She huffs a little laugh.

"Your aversion to men is worrisome. Fine, I'll see you at lunch. Don't you dare be a second late because I will come looking for you."

I let out a silent sigh and wait for her to find a natural end to the discussion. After saying our goodbyes, I hit the end call button and turn off the screen.

After setting down the phone, I fight the urge to look around the room again. Even though I just got done talking with the most charismatic woman in the world, I feel isolated and trapped under a grey cloud of emotion.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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