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Miss Jealous

Leonora PoV:

We had slept for some hours, before I woke up from knocking at the door. I thought it was Enzo, just like Clarissa had said it, so I carefully got up, trying not to wake her up.

Slowly, I walked over to the door and opened it a bit. There was a young prince, a boquette in his hands. "Can I help you?" I glared down at him. He took a step back, as he heared my voice.

"I-I wanted to go see Professor Dovey." "Oh, did you want to, hm?" He nodded slowly. "But, but I can leave, so, no worrys!" I stood more upright to signal him that he indeed should do that.

"Is it okay if, if I leave this here? For her?" Against everything inside of me, I took the boquette from the prince, before closing the door a bit to loud.

Clarissa sat up in the bed, dagger in hand. Her eyes were widened as she looked around. "Calm down Princess, just me." I gave her a soft smile and watched as she relaxed.

"You got me flowers?" "No, I have not. But some prince did." She blushed a bit, before she took the flowers from me. "You look like this isn't the first time." "Because it isn't."

A strange feeling started to rise in me, as I sat down next to her. "So you get flowers from princes all the time?" "From some, yeah." She smelled them carefully, before looking at me.

"Don't tell me you get jealous now. Those are just some boys. I will always choose my amazing girlfriend over them." I felt how I blushed, as a smile crawled onto my face.

"See, that's the face I love so much." I rolled my eyes and laid back down. "But sweet that you get so possessive over me." "You're mine, I want to make that clear."

She placed her hand on my shoulder, using her magic to place the flowers in a vase. "You mean you're mine. You just want to make sure that no one steals your Misstress, hm?" I looked at her, my face comepletely red.

"How I missed making you blush." I shook my head and laid back down. "You're going to kill me sometime, you know that, right?" "I won't let you die. You're stuck with me." We both chuckled.

"Now comon Miss Jealous. Get your ass back in bed, I wanna keep sleeping." "Whatever you wish for my Queen." Her smile made me so happy, I couldn't even.

Carefully, not to get hurt more, I laid down next to her, crawling under the blanket. "Now don't think about the prince anymore and sleep." "But-" "You can be jealous later, when you had enough sleep." I sighed but nodded.

"That's my good girl. Now close your eyes and keep them closed." I cuddled closer, holding her with my arms close to my chest.

I don't know when we woke up again, but Clarissa was gone. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around.

"You do look cute when you wake up Nora." A small smole came to my lips, as I heared her voice. "What are you doing? Come here, I want a kiss…" She chuckle and came closer.

"Ofcourse my little baby." The kiss was soft. "I'm not a baby." I whispered against her lips, before I pulled her in for another kiss. "If you say that."

She sat down on the bed and I saw that she was dressed up in a archers armor. "Going for a ride with the beauty teacher? Or do you really plan on killing her?"

I smiled as I heared her chuckle. "No, no… I'm not going to hunt her. I just wanted to clear my mind a little bit." She stood up and spun in a little circle.

"I thought it was forbidden to hurt animals as an Ever." "If you hunt for food then it's allowed." I looked at her and she chuckled. "Yes, I'll be hunting our dinner. And no, you can't come with me. You need to rest." I rolled my eyes and laided back down.

"And you said you aren't a baby." She came closer and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead, before she tugged me in again. "Stay in bed, alright? I'll be back soon and if you need anything, Enzo is only a whistle away."

We both smiled at each other, before I watched her grab her bow and walk over to the door. "And please, don't do anything stupid." "Me? I would never do something stupid, pfff…"

She gave me a knowing look and I sighed. "Promise." "Good girl." A soft blush cover my cheeks and she chuckled, as she left the room.

Clarissa PoV:

I closed the door and turned to Anemore. "And you are sure you're not mad at me anymore? I don't wanna end up deep in the woods with an arrow in my body." I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her side.

"Where is your trust me in old friend?" "Hiding out of fear in you?" Now we both chuckled. "I promise, you won't end up with an arrow sticking out of you." "Calming."

We both walked down the hall and outside the school to our horses. "Got everything?" Anemone nodded and I smirked softly. "Last in the woods has to do the others paperwork for a week!"

With that, I rode off, laughing like a little child. Anemone was not very far behind me, so I tried to get myself back under control, as we raced towards the forest.

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