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I can handle the fire

Leonora PoV:

I stood infront of my classroom, starring at the door. You could hear them talk from inside and everything started to fell weird again. It was like my body was telling me to run away.

"Get yourself together Lesso. You are the dean of evil and they are just some student." And the daughter of Maleficent. That thought was at the back of my head all the time.

What if her mother would give me a visit? I was able to stand up against my students, but against someone like Maleficent? I was dead. No, I would be dead.

With one last breath, I opened the door and stepped into the classroom. The students all turned to me, as if suprised I was here.

Lily sat confidently in my chair, her legs resting on my desk. "My seat. Get up." "I don't think you will be needing it, I mean, you surely will just run away like last time, won't you?"

I glared at her, stepping closer. "No I won't." "Ohh, someone learned how to stand their ground, hm?" The students started laughing, but I didn't pay attention to them.

"And you surely didn't learn from the doom room." There was a short look of fear, before she masked her emotions.

"With that stupid wolf? He barely did hurt me." "Really? I remember you screaming and begging to stop, like a pathetic little whore." I leaned forward, making sure she couldn't get away.

You could clearly see that she was trying to find something to intimidate me, but there was nothing. "What? I can't hear you? Cat got you tounge?"

Her eyes had a mixture of anger, hate and fear in them and I enjoyed it. "Now get up from my chair. I won't ask again." I stepped back and watched as she got up.

"Pff, you're still her bitch." With that, she spat onto my shoes, walking off. "You stay here after this class. I want to have a word with you." She sat down and smiled sarcastically at me.

"Whatever you want." That false tone in her voice filled me with disgust. I did speak up to her, yes, but she wasn't scared of me. And that meant I hadn't won yet.

The class went by smoothly and there were no other incedents. The students all left the room and left me alone with her.

Slowly, I stood up, grabbing my cane. "You know, I could tear you into pieces now. Or cut you open watch you bleed out like a pig. There are so many ways on how I could cause you pain and death, you would call me crazy."

She watched me as I came closer. Even when she masked her emotions, her body gave away with how scared she was.

"But I won't. Well, the death part. I will definitly cause you pain." She moved a little back with her chair, as I stopped directly infront of her.

"And if you ever disrespect me again, I will make sure that you slowly die for months. I don't care what you say about me, but no one speaks about her like that."

With that, I grabbed my cane and slammed it against her head. She dropped to the ground, holding her arms infront of her head.

"Naww, comon. I thought you were evil! Fight me! Comon, or do you wanna pussy out, hm?" She peaked at me through her arms, her eyes filled with all sorts of emotions.

"Daughter of Maleficent and then you can't even stand up after one hit. You say you want to be a great villian, but you don't have the potential to be one. So don't play the big guy. I don't like such people."

I leaned onto my cane, watching her. She didn't move, she didn't speak, she just stared at me. "Thinking about how you could defeat me? Hm?" I sighed and turned back around.

"This is a warning. Stay out of my private life and I won't harm you. But if you decide to play with the fire…" I looked over my shoulder at her. "Then be ready to get burned alive."

She still laid on the ground, as I grabbed my coat. "I can handle the fire." This made me stop. I turned to look at her. "You think so?" "I don't think, I know."

Tears filled her eyes, as she came closer. "I will ruin you! I will!" Her voice got shaky, as she looked at me. But there wasn't hate in her eyes. Not even anger.

"What is it? What have I done to you, that you hate me so much?!" "My mother won't look at me, because she thinks that I will never be as good as her! She dared me to ruin you, but now look at me…"

She sank to her knees, crying into her hands. Even though she wasn't my favourite, she was still my student. I had to take care of her.

With a sigh, I sank to my knees infront of her. "I'm no one! I just want her to look at me! To love me like she should!" I stared at her, carefully placing my hand onto her shoulder.

"She will, I promise. If you work hard enough, you can even be a better villain then her. You just gotta try and not give up immediately." She looked up, so that we were eye to eye.

"I will help you. But for that you need to stop crying and get your ass up." She nodded slowly, wiping away her tears.

"I know that we don't do this, but… but could I hug you?" I gave her a short smile, before I nodded, holding my arms open. "But after that no emotions anymore, understood?" "Understood."

She wrapped her arms around me, hiding her face in my neck. "Maybe you should break your emotions down too." I looked confused, turning my head a little to the side.

"What?" "Everyone can fool you, Lady Lesso." A sharp pain rushed through my back, as she held me close. "You really believe that I would like a hug? Really?"

She slowly leaned back, a satisfied smile on her lips. "I hate them." Her hand turned and the pain started to make my ears ring. Slowly, I felt how she pulled the blade out, holding it infront of me.

"Trust me, the schools will be better off without you. It needs a new dean, your days are over." My vision slowly got blurry, as I felt how I fell backwards.

"What? You don't want to be disturb anymore Lady Lesso? Ofcourse, I tell the others." I watched as she grabbed her stuff and threw one last dirty look at me, before she left the classroom.

My back started to fell warm and I knew that I was bleeding. There was no way I could get up to get help. And my strenght seemed have to left me too.

"Clarissa…" I whispered silently into the cold and empty room, my eyes slowly falling shut. "I love… you…"

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