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We can talk about love and relationships later

Leonora PoV:

Finally all the teachers entered the libary. If we would have to wait some minutes more, I would have gone crazy.

"What is this about Red?" "I think we all should brainstorm now how stopd that fucker." I answered Anemone, pushing my nails into my hand.

There had to be a way to stop it and someone had to know. They just all needed to use their little brains. That wasn't to much to ask for, right?

I slammed my cane onto the ground, getting everyone to quiet down. "You can all talk about boys and drama later, this is more important." Anemone wanted to conter something, but Clarissa stopped her.

"The fairys and our lovely beatuy teacher found nothing, so I want you all to use your tiny little bug brains to think of a way to capture it. We can handle the rest then." No one seemed please with how I talked to them, but I didn't care.

This was all way more important then their feelings. They wouldn't understand what I could lose if we wouldn't win.

"Why the pressure now? The attacks are mostly against the Evers." One teacher bragged. "Your students aren't even invold as much as ours are!" I grabbed my cane harder, trying to stay cool.

"I have to agree with her. This seems more like a Ever problem, so why are you interested? Or do you just want to see us all in panic and find it amusing?" More and more Ever teachers started to jump on that train.

I knew that they were all stressed about the attacks and the injured students, but did they really have to let their frustration out on me now?

"Leave this to-" "This is enough now!" I yelled and stared at the teacher. "One comment will I let slide, but this is enough. Your all stressed, I understand that, but I'm not the right person to let it out on."

They all died down and everyone looked back and forth between me and that teacher. I swear if Clarissa wouldn't be here I would have already slit her throat open.

"I think you are, because you can't lose anything! Your just a cold hearted bitch that doesn't care about her students or anyone!" There it was. I tried to play it off, but hurt and anger started to slowly take control over my body.

"You don't understand how stressed and anxious we are." Clarissa had her head turned away, but I saw a little tear escape her eyes. She knew I wasn't a cold hearted bitch, but how should the others ever know?

I stared back at the teacher, trying to gather myself. "For your understanding, I can lose something. Something that is worth to me more then you could ever understand!"

They were all quiet, listening to me. The cold Lady Lesso could lose something that was worth her everything… A topic they would have gossiped about for months if we wouldn't be in this situation.

"And that thing is after her." I slowly walked closer to the table, not breaking my gaze. "So if anything happens to her, because you all couldn't stand how I talked with you, THEN I WILL MAKE YOUR LAST DAYS ON THIS EARTH A LIVING HELL!"

With rage in my eyes, I leaned on the table, my cane leaning against the table. "SO STOP COMPLAINING AND THINK! OR I'LL SWEAR THAT THING IS THE LAST THING YOU HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT!"

The teacher looked away and I took a deep breath, trying to calm down again. My eyes scanned the table, before they stopped for a short second on Clarissa. She had a little smile on her lips, a proud smile.

I stood back upright, grabbing my cane. "Are we clear?" They all nodded and I smirked satisfied. "And don't think I go soft now. Else it will be your last thought." Wit  that said, I gave Anemone the upper hand and let her do the meeting.

To be honest, it was the best for everyone. She knew them all better then I did, and I think if I had to stand there four more seconds, I would have slapped someone with my cane.

Clarissa PoV:

I turned more to Leonora, before carefully taking her hand. She pulled it under the table and I had to supress a chuckle. How cute she was when she got angry.

We both didn't really pay attention, until Yuba stated his idea.

"If we could use someone to lure it out, then we could put a loop spell on him. Like we did on… You know. Shouldn't this work?" Anemone turned to us and I felt how Leonora squeezed my hand tighter.

"It should, but now is the question, who lures it?" I looked back at my red head, seeing the more then clear no in her eyes. She closed her eyes, knowing she couldn't stop me.

"We, we know that it want's me." I said slowly, letting go of her hand to stand up. "So we could use me." "How do you know that?" Yuba asked and I looked down, thinking about what to answer.

"Because that thing sort of speaks to me." Leonora stood up aswell, her arm touching mine.

"It, well, Rafal told me that he would destroy everything I build up for me. The only one thing I love." They all looked at us. "Sounds crazy, I couldn't believe it myself first, but I can't risk to take it not serious."

Anemone had a smile on her lips, happy that we finally talked about it. I swear that woman had begged me to tell the others.

"Are your saying what I think you are?" Someone asked and there was a heavy silence in the room. I turned my head to Leonora, secretly interwining my pinky with hers.

"We can talk about love and relationships later, when we got rid of that thing." She said, looking around.

"And your sure you wanna do this?" I nodded, walking over to Anemone. "You make sure the spell works, I try to figure out a plan how to not get killed."

She had a worried look on her face and I didn't want to do anything more then to go and kiss her. But this wasn't the right time, neither was I sure if she really wanted this infront of the others.

I smiled shortly at her, hoping it would calm her at least a little bit. "Don't worry, everything will turn out fine." "We better hope it does." She said, before I walked out of the libary with Anemone.

When we were at my office, Anemone gave me a knowing smirk. "What?" "You told them, even if you didn't really say it. That means I won." I rolled my eyes, as I sat down.

"Really now? I just stated I want to risk my life for everyone and you think about how you won our little argument?" She nodded and sat down aswell.

"You really are a bit like her." "Pfff, never." I chuckled and leaned back. Aneome was a good friend. Someone that could make you laugh, even when you were about to go on a suicide mission. Let's just hope it doesn't end like one.

We both started to brainstorm and after some time, I made us some tea. "So, let's go through this again… You walk around 'alone' and we all hope it comes to get you." I nodded and sat back down.

"You lure it into the hall, where we put the powder on it, which traps it in a loop. Then I'll just come along and rip the heart out." I nodded again, sipping from my tea.

"We still haven't talked about what will happen with you. What if ripping it's heart out, kills you…" She closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Then let's better hope I survive that shit. You and Red own me a lot then." I chuckled, smiling at her. "Don't worry, I won't forget it."

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