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Dwarf and Giraffe

Leonora PoV:

"Okay, okay! STOP!" I stopped and looked at Anemone, ready to kill her. Clarissa was already getting on my nerves, atleast she could give me some peace for once.

"And why should I listen to you?!" "Well, you just did, so…" I glared at her, lifting my cane.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry… I just want to keep you both from killing one another." She looked between me and Clarissa and I rolled my eyes.

"As if that dwarf could kill me." "I'm hearing you, you stupid… giraffe." I frowened and turned towards her.

"You really had to think about that come back? And some say your intellegent." She took a step closer, staring into my eyes. I leaned on my cane, our faces only inches apart.

"Go back to your cave and teach your students… Oh wait, doesn't matter. You will lose again this year." She spat the words at me, turning around and walking out of the room.

I glared at the door that fell shut, turning around and slapping my cane into the nearest wall.

"Another hole I have to fix, thank you Red." My glare fell to her and she lifted her hands up. "No need to kill me, I'm already gone." With that, she left the room aswell.

I sat down on a chair, looking at the ground infront of me. Those fights weren't rare between me and Clarissa. I don't even know why we fight most times. Or what the reason was for us to start fighting.

I sighed and closed my eyes, pinching the back of my nose. Even if you couldn't believe it, we used to be the perfect team. We worked perfectly together, but that changed from one day to the other. Don't ask me what the reason for that is.

I turned my head and looked at the hole in the wall, gripping my cane harder.

"Maybe I should just go back to my cave." With a sigh, I stood up and walked out of here.

Clarissa PoV:

"How dare she call me a dwarf?!" I stomped my feet on the ground, throwing my hands in the air.

"I'm not a dwarf!" Who was I even complaining to? I was alone in my room, walking circles and complaining about the fight I just had with Lesso.

My door opened and I glared at the person that walked inside.

"Calm down, just me… Had to escape Lesso, so that I wouldn't die." I sighed and returned back to walk circles.

Anemone sat down on my bed watching me. "You know, she punshed another hole in the wall…" "Oh, I'll kill her! First she insults me and then she destroys my school! Ahhhh!" I walked to the bed and fell on it, burrying my face in my pillow.

"Why are you even fighting all the time?" I mumbled something into the pillow, turning to her. "Dove, I haven't understood a single word you just said." She smiled at me and I rolled my eyes, sitting up.

"I said, I don't know. It just started one day, out of the blue…" I started massaging my neck, looking down. "Why can't we just go back to the old days? Were we worked as a perfect team."

The room fell quiet and I laid back down, pulling my blanket over my body.

"Maybe you two should talk and find out what the problem is…" "What do you think have I tried for like a thousend times?! It always ended with us fighting." She placed her hand on my arm.

"Please, I need some time for myself now. Better the dwarf does…" I heard a slight chuckle and rolled my eyes, turning the other way.

"Well then, I will go and do my own things. Tell me when you need something." With that, I felt how she stood up and soon after heard the door open and close again.

Anemone PoV:

I walked down the hall and into my office. Those two always gave me a headache when they started fighting infront of me. And if Clarissa didn't knew what the reason for all this was, then I doubt that I would be able to find out.

I could go and ask Lesso, but I love my life a little bit to much for that, so I will keep that in my back pocket.

Still there is something I have to do… I can't let them keep fighting like that. Someday they will kill each other. I sat down behind my desk, staring at the paperwork infront of me.

"This has to wait for now." With a smirk, I pushed everything to the side. "Now I only need an idea." And there was the problem. How should I get the two to talk, without risking that anyone gets hurt. Or that they get hurt.

I groaned, leaning back. Why was helping them such a big challenge. It almost felt like they didn't want anyone to try help them.

"It's best if you just lock them up." I mumbled, closing my eyes. Lock them up. Why did that sound like a good idea?

I opened my eyes again, staring into my empty office. "We can't do that now, can we? No, they would rip their heads off. But still…" I couldn't decide that alone. But who should I ask for help? No teacher would be stupid enough to try and lock Lesso up in a room. Well, maybe not a teacher…

"God damn you two!" I stood up and walked out of my office, searching for the only two persons I know, that would be stupid enough to help me.

"Agatha! Sophie! Good that I found you, I need your help with something… stupid?" They both looked at me with a question mark on their faces.

"Maybe even way to risky…?" No one said a thing. "It's about Lesso and Dovey…?" "Why didn't you just say that from the start? We will help you, but not here, someone could hear us…"

They both grabbed one of my arms, before they pulled me with them to a classroom.

"So, what is your plan?" Agatha asked, sitting down on a chair. Sophie closed the door, leaning against it.

"Well, I talked with Professor Dovey and she told me she doesn't know why they always have those fights. So, I don't really know how to help them… But what I know is, that they and everyone else can't go on with those fights anymore." They both nodded in agreement and I sat down on a chair myself.

"So, to my stupid idea… Why don't we lock them in a room and only let them out if they talked about everything." Agatha looked at me, rubbing her eyes as she shook her head.

"This is soooo stupid." "That's what I said!" I tried to defent myself, turning to look at Sophie. "What do you think?" "I think, this shit better is going to work, because else we don't have to be scared of Lady Lesso, but of Professor Dovey." Agatha nodded in agreement and I smiled.

"So you both will help me?" "If anything goes wrong, it was all your fault, you threatened us." I looked at Agatha and started to nod slowly. "Better then no help, I guess."

Sophie came over to us and I leaned forward, starting to explain my plan. A plan that came up in my mind with in five minutes, don't forget that. It, it wasn't really much to explain…

"So we just lure them into a room and lock them up?" "What? Did you expect a big plan with a explosion at the end?" Agatha shrugged, before she nodded.

"I mean, I can take care of the explosion, you just need to make sure Lesso doesn't kill me for blowing something up." We both stared at Sophie, which lifted her hands. "I'm just saying." "No explosion. Pasta." She looked sad, but I didn't pay her much more attention.

"I will look for a room and prepare some spells, so they won't get out of there somehow. You both think about a way to lure them into that room, alright? And no acting before showing me!" They both nodded and stood up, leaving me alone in this classroom.

"Well, that worked better then thought. Now where do we lock you two up…?"

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