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How did we even end up here?

Anemone PoV:

From my hiding spot, I saw how Sophie came back with Dovey, so I started to look out for Agatha and Lesso. Luckily, they wouldn't arrived with that much of a time difference, because that would have also been a problem I haven't thought about. Like I said, five minute plan.

Sophie and Dovey disappeared into the classroom and the other two were already walking up the hallway.

I waited, till they got pass me, before I followed them, trying to make as little noice as possibe. When they reached the classroom, Lesso stopped two steps into it, staring at Dovey.

"What are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same. What is all this about?" Sophie had sneaked out of there and Agatha tried to close the door, but a certain person stood in the way.

"I'm sorry Lady Lesso." She turned her head and looked at Agatha, which pushed her forward, so that she fell to the ground. A scream of anger hit our ears, as we pulled the door close and I casted the spell faster then I thought I could.

As soon as I was sure, that the door would stay shut, we three high fived each other. That was when we heared loud banging against the door.

Leonora PoV:


I slammed my fist against the door, screaming out in frustration. Whatever this was, I was a bit impressed. The door didn't open and I couldn't use my agic either.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" "Stop screaming, they won't let us out of here." I turned around and looked at Clarissa, breathing in deeply.

"Why don't you just shut up dwarf?" "Because the dwarf has found the letter that they left in here." She slammed the paper onto my chest, as she walked past me. I took it, looking after her, before reading what they had wrote.

Hey you two, bet one of you
found this letter. To explain all
this, we're done with your
fights, so we decided to lock
you two up, until you talked
about everything. As soon as
you did, the door will open, not
This was the only plan we were
sure would work.
So, don't kill eachother and have
a sweet talk.

~Anemone, Sophie and Aggy

I scoffed, placing the letter on one of the desks.

"So the only way out is that we have a therapy session together?" "Something you should have had way earlier." I rolled my eyes, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

"Come, take a seat, or do I have to help you dwarf?" "I'm suprised that you can even sit on those chairs with your big ego." She took another chair and sat down a few meters away from me.

No other word were said, we just sat there and looked at each other. This was all her fault, if her stupid students wouldn't have been there. I sighed and leaned back, closing my eyes.

"Are you going to apologize now?" I scoffed and looked at her. "And why should I do that? Becasue I'm a bad and evil Never and everything is my fault? How about you apologize, this is your fault-" "Mine?! As if all this would have happened when you could just shut up when I'm around!"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Whatever they planned won't work. Your to stubborn to accept the truth! We're just gonna starve in here." She sighed and stood back up, walking away from me.

"Slow down, or your breaking your angles in those stupid shoes." "As if your's are any better." She didn't even look at me. Her arms were crossed infront of her chest and her voice told me she was more then mad.

Back in the old days, I normally would have gave her a book or sent her out in the garden for a walk. But now, she would most certainly kill me, if I even stepped one millimeter to close.

"Maybe this isn't so bad after all…" I looked away, knowing that she would turn around.

"And why's that?" "You know how many times I tried to talk with you and it ended in a fight? Now we have to talk, to get out of here." I shook my head, looking back at her.

"What is there to talk about? If you wouldn't start the fights-" "Me?! How about you stop starting the fights! I just want to talk and in the next second you, you call me a dwarf!" She started to gesture with her hands, which made me chuckle.

"You can't even take this seriously! My lord, why do I even try? You won't listen." She took the chair and dragged it across the classroom, sitting down.

I looked onto the ground infront of me, thinking about what she just said.

"Just for your knowing, Princess, I'm not the one responsibly for the fights. That's you." She turned around on her seat and glared at me. "You can't even admit it when it's your fault… That such a Never thing!"

I rolled my eyes and stood up, walking to the window, to take a look outside. This wouldn't get us anywhere, so I decided it would be best to keep quiet for now, till she decided to apologize.

I mean, that's what the letter said. If we clear this up, we get out, so an apologie should do it's job.

Maybe half an hour had passed, since we lasted talked. I threw a look over my shoulder and saw that Clarissa had settled onto the ground, her head leaned against the wall and she had her legs puled close to her body.

"What is this? Are you trying to look pathetic so I'm going to apologize?" She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "I was thinking. Just like you were, if that little brain in your head is even capable of doing that!"

I scoffed, sitting back down on my chair. "The better question is if yours is capable of doing that." She nodded, leaning her head back against the wall.

We both fell in silence again an some more minutes passed, until Clarissa spoke again.

"How did we even end up here?" "Your and my student tricked us. Are you that old, that you already forgot that?" She shook her head and stood up, slowly coming closer.

"That's not what I meant… How did we end up here. We used to work as a team and now look at us. Whenever we see each other we fight." She walked past me and looked out of the window.

"Well, how am I supposed to know? You started all this?" "I did not! Why can't you just confess that all this here started because of you!"

I watched her come closer, her eyes were slightly red, as if she would have cried.

"Something happend and that's when you started to fight with me… I want to know what. What made you pick all those fights with me?" I looked to the side, seeing the tears come back to her eyes.

These fights had a reason and I knew which reason that was, but I couldn't tell her. Or anyone. It was something that no one could ever hear me confess.

"Maybe it was your ugly dresses, that I couldn't stand anymore…" She stared into my eyes, a tear falling down onto my coat. "What happened between the two of us?" Clarissa stood back up, wiped her tears away and walked back to the corner where she sat earlier.

"Think about how much longer you wanna stay in here and then maybe tell me why you started those fights. If you won't tell me, settle with the thought to spend the next hours, maybe days with me…"

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