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Because I love you too.

Clarissa PoV:

Nothing got better since what happened in that classroom. One and a half weeks had passed, since anyone saw Lesso. Well besidees Enzo. He was the only one who talked with her, brought her food and everything sheee wanted.

Everytime I got to her room, he told me she didn't want to get disturbed, and that he wasn't able to tell her my message.

I sat in my office and stared at the wall infront of me. Lord knows what was going on with her and that was the thought that kept me awake at night. Everyone saw the change in my personality, since Lesso locked herself up and People started to question it.

I had punished Agatha and Sophie, for helping Anemone with that stupid idea, and Anemone herself got a punishment aswell.

I knew that they just wanted to help us both, but I have to say, I was more happy when lesso and I were fighting. Because then I saw her and was sure that she was alright. This here, this wasn't what I wanted for us.

My door opened and a smile came to my face, which faded when I saw that the person wasn't Lesso.

"I'm sorry to dissapoint you Dove, but we have a meeting with the staff. I would say you can stay here, but with Lesso not attending…" I nodded and stood up, following her out.

"How do you feel?" "Everything inside of me wants to know how she is doing. But Enzo won't let me see her. I can't force her to come out. I#m atleast glad that I know that she's still alive." Anemobe looked at me, before she pulled me closer.

"Do you really think she would take her life." I just shrugged, feeling the tears come back. "Let's, let's not talk about it, alright? I have to get my mind to focus on the meeting." She nodded and we both walked into the libary, to attend the meeting.

Leonora PoV:

I sat, well better laid in my room all day. If I were a man, I'm pretty sure I would have grown a beard by now.

Nothing made sense to me anymore. I ate, slept after I had cried myself to sleep and drank like water didn't exsist. Everything I was doing just destroyed me more.

Enzo had told me that Clarissa often came by and tried to talk with me. It made me smile, but that was excatly what I wanted to prevent, so I told him to leave me alone.

I laid on the floor, thinking about how I could deal with my feelings. There was a solution for this probelm, but I would have to pay a big price for it. I just kept it in the back of my mind, not really thinking I would use it.

"And what if this is the only solution that I have?" I asked myself, trying to stand up. "Then we should use it. But what if this is my only chance?" Slowly, I stumbled into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked awful, my hair was messy, my eyes red from all the crying and my face had my make up all smugged over it.

"Look at you, pathetic. We should do it, everything will be better after it." I looked down, sighing.

"Doesn't matter. I need a shower." With that, I turned my hand and my clothes came off. I stepped into the shower and relaxed at the cold water.

"Enzo needs to gather some things." I mumbled and started to make a list in my mind, for when I was done to give him.

Clarissa PoV:

The meeting took what felt like forever. I liked it, when the whole staff came together, but this meeting was just a punishment for myself.

I walked back to my office, the thought of going to try seeing Lesso again in the back of my mind. "She doesn't want to see us. And I'm to tired to do this now." With that said, I found myself back in my office, sitting down on my chair.

I was slowly drifting off to sleep, when my door opened again.

"You always have the best times to show up." Anemone smiled at me and handed me a cup of tea. "I figured it was best if you weren't alone right now. So I here I am Dove, and you won't get rid of me." I chuckled shortly and took the cup.

"Thank you." She smiled and we both took a sip. I felt the warmth of it travel down my body and I leaned back. This was relaxing and really helped with getting the thoughts out of my head.

"Did something interesting happen?" "Not really. Well, actually yes. A teacher caught two students trying to have fun." I started laughing and shook my head.

"The young love. Something beautiful." "Yeah, well not so beautiful for me. I had to clean up that mess." We bost started laughing now and I took another sip from my tea. Anemone knew how to cheer me up and I was glad to have her.

"Sounds like they had fun. And they were the only ones that had fun." She rolled her eyes and leaned back.

Leonora PoV:

Enzo came back with what I had asked for and I thanked him.

"Mistress, I… I know what this does. Do you really think this is a good idea?" I was putting on my tie, looking at him. "I thought about another solution, this is the only one. Could you please remind me to go see Clarissa when I'm done?" He nodded and I closed the door.

The only thing left to do was my hair and I had to put on my coat. This was my come back, this was the solution we had for this stupid situation and when I was done, there was nothing that could endager the schools anymore.

I looked at the little glass bottle in my hand and opened it. "Clarissa Dovey…" I whispered, before drinking the bottle empty. It had a strange taste, but I didn't mind.

After that, I made my hair, I put on my coat and grabbed my cane, walking out of the room.

"Enzo." "Mistress. I have to remind you to see Professor Dovey, the dean of the school for good." I nodded and wanted to go, but he stopped me.

"Excuse me, but, she has a message that you need to hear first." "Alright." He let go of my arm and I listened to what he had to say.

"Tell her, that she doesn't has to run. I won't tell anyone, about our little talk and that I want the best for her. She shall come to me as soon as she's ready." I nodded slowly. "Alright, then I will go see her now. Please look that no one follows me, okay?" He bowed his head and I made my way over to the other school.

When I finally found her office, I knocked on the door with my cane. Anemone opened the door, a suprised look on her face.

"Red, I wasn't expacting to see you, come in." She stepped aside and I glared at her, walking in. The office had to much colour for my liking, but I wasn't here to complain about that.

"Lesso, your, your here." "As you asked for, yes." Clarissa looked at Anemone, which left the office, closing the door behind her.

"I know, how it may looked like, when we talked in the classroom, but I was just shocked. I would have never expected that you would feel this way. That you would feel the same as me." She stepped out behind her desk, stopping infront of me.

"I just wanted to see you and make sure you felt alright, because I love you too. And I know, that Evers and Nevers can't be together, but we will find a way to make this work. I promise." Her hand took mine and she looked into my eyes.

"So forgive me, for how I acted back then. I can't change it, but we can work this out, because… I love you Nora…" I stared back at her, looking at our hands. What was she talking about?

Clariss PoV:

My whole body was shaking and I was scared for what she would answer me. What if she didn't want to have a relationship with me? Or if I missunderstood that what she said to me in the classroom and I just embarrased myself?

She just looks at me and stays quiet. Or had the time stopped? Maybe it just felt like that, because I was nervous as hell.

Then finally, she seemed to wanted to say something.

"I'm sorry but, who are you…?

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