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Did you hear that?

Clarissa PoV:

When the food was done, Enzo helped me to set up the table for us four. "Do you see that Lesso? He helped without asking." She looked at me, before she looked away.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "You know I'm just teasing you Nora, forgive me." Carefully, I kissed her cheek and I saw the little smile that touched her lips shortly.

"Now come sit down, or do you wanna starve?" She shook her head and sat down with us.

"I'm happy that you decided to accept our offer Enzo." "I'm happy that you asked me." I smiled shortly, before we all started to eat.

Anemone had opened the bottle of wine she had brought with her and we all took a glass full. "Seems like we have to steal some wine from the kitchen for later."

She held the almost empty wine bottle against the light and we laughed. "Don't worry, I can get some from my stash. The wine from here is not really drinkable." I looked at her, as she cut her pork.

"So you were that 'student' that stole the wine?" She looked up at me. "No…?" "Unbelievable." Anemone chuckled and I shook my head.

"Can we talk about this later please? And fuck, this is good." "Stop swearing outside of bed." Enzo acted like he didn't hear anything, while Anemone and I watched Lesso blush.

We all sat together in our room, as we talked about this and that. I had put some of the cookies in a bowl and placed them on the little shelve. Lesso had got us some of her wine as promised and she was right, this was better then the one out of the kitchen.

The hours were passing by and I had put on some music. It was almost completely dark outside and we all just waited for one thing.

"Did you hear that?" "What?" Nora turned to the windows, as her magic turned the music off. It was like watching a little child and I couldn't contain my smile.

"There. It sounds almost like… bells?" She turned back to me. "That means we have to go to the other room." She was adorable. I stood up and took her hand, before we walked into the bathroom.

She sat down on the bathtub edge and I stepped between her thighs to hug her. "Why didn't the others come with us?" "Because they have to help Santa." I looked down at her and gave her a soft kiss.

"My father also always stayed out and helped Santa. You can't imagine how jealous I was of him." We both chuckled and she hugged me back close.

"What if they think I'm childish?" "Your Leonora Lesso…" I cupped her face with my hands. "They are to scared to tell anyone about what they will see today."

She closed her eyes and chuckled. "Also Anemone has already drunken more than enough. She will probably hardly recall tonight." I kissed her softly, as my hands wandered down her neck.

"Control yourself…" She mumbled and I leaned my forehead against hers. "Normally I have to say that to you." "How the tables have turned, hm Princess?"

We both remained in that position, until we heard a knock on the door. "Alright you two, you can come back out." I looked Lesso in the eyes and she nodded.

Slowly, she opened the door and smiled, as she saw the presents under the tree. "He said you have to behave a little bit better, if you want presents next year." I chuckled at Anemones comment and followed Lesso.

"Just like you imagined?" I asked her, as I hugged her from behind. "Even better. I didn't really believe that he would still come and bring me… us presents." She smiled and I let go of her, as she slowly went down on her knees.

"Can, can I open them?" "If you read your name on them, then yes. Otherwise they are not for you." She nodded and started going through them all, sorting her presents out.

I sat down on a chair behind her and watched, as she opened her presents. Her eyes had a soft glow in them and there was this little smile, which I loved so much.

Anemone had looked through the presents that got sorted out and took hers and the one that I had prepared for Enzo. They both also had little smiles on their lips, as they unpacked their presents.

I turned back to Lesso and saw how she held a little plushy of a black sheep in her hands. With excitment, she turned around to show it to me.

"Mom look I-" She stopped and stared at me, as the other two were starring at her. "I'm, I'm sorry. It's just…" "You miss her, I understand. Don't worry Nora."

I placed my hand on her cheek and sighed. "Now, wanna show me what you all got?" Her sad face dissappeared fast and a smile captured her lips once more.

"Yes, look." I got down from my chair and sat down next to her, watching as she showed me all her presents.

When she was done, I pulled her closer, so that her head leaned against my shoulder. "How are you? Feeling like a little kid again??" "I did. Thank you." I smiled and gave her a soft kiss on the head.

"Don't thank me." "Oh right. Thank you Santa." I chuckled and smiled at her.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed. I'm tired. Thanks to you two for the dinner and this lovely night." "Thank you for beeing here." Lesso smiled at her and we both stood up to bring her to the door.

"I'm gonna go aswell. Thanks for this, it was lovely." We both wished them a good night, before I closed the door and kicked off my heels.

"Lord, I think I'm dieing." "Why? You can't die. Don't leave me alone with all of them." I chuckled and sat down on the back. "Not because you love me, but because you would be alone with Anemone and the other Evers, really?"

She sat down next to me and I kissed her. "Be a good girl and help me out of this dress." "I waited the whole evening for you to say this."

Slowly, she pulled down the zipper of my dress, kissing my back down along the way. I relaxed at her touch and didn't stop her. She pulled the dress down my shoulders, her lips capturing the freshly exposed skin.

"Like you said earlier, control yourself…" I leaned back and into her touch. "But you want this." "I do, I'm just to tired for it now." She chuckled and kissed my cheek softly, before she helped me completely out of the dress.

"Want a night gown?" I shook my head and laid down, watching as Lesso got out of her clothes. "But I want some cuddles." "How lucky, I want some too."

She crawled into bed and directly into my arms. "I'm glad you enjoyed today." I felt her little smile on my skin, as I pulled the blankets higher.

"I loved it. But not as much as I love you." "Getting cheesy again Lesso?" She looked up at me and rolled her eyes. "Just take it Princess. And now shh, I wanna sleep."

I smiled and gave her a soft kiss, before I held her close. "Ofcourse. Little girls need their beauty sleep." She softly slapped me, as I laughed at my little joke.

"Sleep tight Nora, I love you." "I love you too, dummy." I scoffed and closed my eyes. "I'm no dummy…"

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