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Still wanna build that snowman?

Clarissa PoV:

She stood infront of me, her hand on her stomach as she was laughing at me. I stared at her, as I used my magic to form a big snowball over her head.

"I just… I couldn't…" She started laughing again. "You should have seen your face!" I leaned my head to the side and waited, until she stopped laughing.

"W-what? Why aren't you yelling?" "Why should I?" Her look turned into confusion. "Look, it's snowing." She slowly looked up and I dropped the big snowball onto her head.

Now I was the one that couldn't keep herself together. She looked like a snowman.

"Could you…" "Yeah, yeah, wait." I cathed my breath and pulled her out from under the snow. We both stared at eachother and I couldn't keep myself from kissing her.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, as her warmth filled my body. "Am I still gonna regret my move?" I stared into her eyes, as my forehead leaned against hers.

"I think we're equal now." We both chuckled and I stepped back. My body slowly started to heat up and I didn't feel the cold of the night that much anymore.

"Still wanna build that snowman?" "If your not to cold, yes." I smiled and turned my head. The sky lit up with some fireflies and gave us enough light to see the garden. "Then let's do this…"

We started rolling some snow together, before we stacked them upon each other. I collected some pebbles, while she collected some sticks. And after some re-direction, we had a little snowman infront of us.

"Something is missing." Leonora stopped next to me, before she turned her hand a scarf and a little pot appeared. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her arm.

"It's cute." "It is… I wanna call him Dave." I turned my head to her. "A man? Why not a woman?" She turned her head aswell. "Please don't start a conversation like this now. It's a snowman Clarissa."

I chuckled and kissed her cheek softly. "I know, I know. Our little Dave." She wrapped her arm around my shoulders, as she shook her head.

"Not to ruin anything, but I could use a really warm bath right now. What about you?" "I'll join you." I winked at her, before walking off, back into the school for good.

"Wait for me, I don't wanna miss this!" She ran after me and we both stopped, as soon as we were back inside the castle.

"As much as I love my room, I don't wanna walk over there again." I chuckled and hugged her, hiding my face in her neck. "So we stay here?" "Yes. And now come, I wanna have that bath we talked about."

I looked her into the eyes and kissed her softly. When we parted, I heard some whispers and we both looked down the hall. Some princesses stood there, staring at us.

"If they ever get used to it?" "Give them time Lesso. Its one thing if two woman love each other. But a Never and an Ever." She turned back to me and smiled.

"Atleast their not judging." I grabbed her hand and pulled her up into my room.

"How about you get us some fresh clothes and I run us a bath." She nodded and I walked into the bathroom. Before I did anything else, I filled the bathtub with some hot water.

Slowly, I took off my clothes and sat down in the hot water. "Fuck me…" "I had planned that for later, yeah." I looked up at her and chuckled. She was naked aswell and got in behind me.

I leaned back against her and closed my eyes. "This has to be heaven…" "The warm water or your hands on my breats?" She leaned to my ear and I turned my head to the side.

"Both." I chuckled and relaxed at her touch. "But keep your hands there, understood? I wanna sleep a bit." "As you wish Princess." She kissed my cheek softly and I leaned my head back onto her shoulder.

"We should do this more often…" I mumbled, as the exhaustion pulled me with it. "I agree on that." Even when I had my eyes closed, I knew that she had that adorable smile back on her lips.

This was a simple thing. We just went outside to build a snowman. Still, she was more then happy now and this was excatly what I wanted.

Her hands slowly traced off to my sides, as she pulled me closer. "Rest, I got you…" I didn't respond, I didn't even nod, I just leaned against her and drifted off to sleep.

Leonora PoV:

When I woke back up, the water was almost cold and I got a goosebump. "Let's get tp bed, hm?" I looked at Clarissa, which was still asleep.

"And you say you freeze easily." Carefully, I lifted her up, as I got out of the bathtub. She leaned her head against my chest, as I carried her over to the bed.

With a flick of my hand, a fire started in the chimney and the room started to heat up. "Let's get you some… Never mind." She cuddled deep into the blanket, as soon as I laid her down.

"Guess we sleep naked then… I don't mind that." I smirked to myself, before I walked back into the bathroom, to empty the bathtub.

When I walked back to the bed, Clarissa was half awake, sitting up. "Where am I?" "With me Princess. In your room. Your safe… Go back to sleep." She rubbed her eye and looked at me.

"Cuddles?" "As soon as I lay in bed, I promise. Now go back to sleep." She nodded and laid down, pulling the blanket back over her.

I walked over to the closet and got myself a towel to dry my hair a bit, before I got into bed. Clarissa crawled ontop of me, the blanket sticking to her body.

Her warm skin was smooth against mine, as I wrapped one arm around her. "See, as soon as I get in bed." She chuckled sleepingly, playing with my hair.

"I love you…" "I know, everybody does. Especially you. And I love that." She rolled her eyes and pressed herself more into me. "Cold…" "There is a fire in the chimney, it should get a lot warmer soon."

She nodded and I kissed her head softly, scratching her back. "Tired…" I chuckled softly. "Then close your eyes and sleep Princess. Trust me, you need it."

She tried to nod, but her movements stopped as she fell asleep. I quietly chuckled to myself, before I pulled the blankets tighter around us, to keep her warm.

"I love you Clarissa. And I always will…" With her body close to mine and the sound of the wood burning in the background, I closed my own eyes and couldn't help myself, but smile.

She tried her best to make me happy and it worked. This woman didn't think I was childish, because I still liked to do such things, no. She did them with me together.

I sighed and breathed in her smell. What would have happened if I obeyed to Rafal completely and this never happened? If I would have found love aswell?

Clarissa shifted a bit, which brought me back out of my thoughts. Her sleeping face calmed me down, as I closed my eyes once more.

What happened doesn't matter. I was with her and I was happy. She was the one I love and she will always be it. Just us two… Maybe someday even three.

I smiled and felt how I slowly drifteted off to sleep. Not having the strength to fight it any longer, I gave up and fell asleep.

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