11. (TW)

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This chapter contains some torture,
you've all been warned...

My job is done...

Clarissa PoV:

I woke up in a dark room. It looked familiar, but my head was hurting to much to focus on remembering.

"Look who's awake..." Why was I here? Why was he here? "Scared? If not, you should be..." I looked around. Slowly it came to me where I was. And then I saw him, standing next to Lesso. She seemed as if she was unconscious, tied up to the ground.

"I offered my help with her. To make her... remember. And that's what I will do, I promise. She will be her old self in no time. But I thought about it. Why should I give her, her happy ending? Why should I give her you?" I tried to move, but I was also tied to the chair.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" "Don't worry, I won't put a finger on her. But on you..." He slowly came closer, and I knew that this wasn't good. What had he planned? And what did he mean with that he didn't want to give her me?

"You see, she will remember you and could be happy with you together. She already dissapointed me, when I wanted her to be my evil, and now she even fell in love with a Ever." He walked around me, one of his hands on my shoulder, stroking over my neck.

"But, where would be the fun if I just killed you infront of her?" I felt how he leaned down to my ear, his breath hitting my skin. "So why don't I just make you forget her, how she did it with you." My eyes widened and I stared at him.

"She will gain back her memories with you, and at the same time, she will lose you. Doesn't that sound great?" He walked back over to Lesso, stamping onto the ground. She woke up and looked around.

"Rafal..." "Hello Leo. I have a little show for you, which should help you remember." She looked confused, her eyes wandering over to me. "Lesso please..." "Shhh, shhh, shhh... It will come with the time. Be patient." He grabbed one of the little whips , walking over to me.

"And what is this for?" "It's to help you remember..." With that, he hit me with the whip, a harsh pain went through my body and I screamed. "Comon, beg! Beg for her to remember you! Then I will stop..." He hit me again, tears filling my eyes.

"I said BEG!" "LESSO! Please! Remember me!" His smirk was disgusting as he hit me again, walking around, so he stood behind me.

"What do you want me to remember? There is nothing, because I don't know you!" "Don't do this... Please, remember..." The whip hit my neck and I screamed up, trying to get away, but there was no chance.

"Seems like we're gonna be down here for a long time... Better hope it will be short." With that, he hit my neck again and I felt my my skin was burning from that.


Leonora PoV:

Rafal gave me quite a show. Clarissa was screaming and begging me to remember, but I didn't get what she wanted. Still something felt off about this. As if I wanted him to stop hurting her. But why? We were Nevers, this whas what we did...

I looked at her, cuts all over her arms and chest, her skin red and blue from where the whip hit her. Her eyes where red from all the crying and her voice was gone from the screaming and begging.

Something about that sight made my heart hurt. I wanted him to stop, but at the same time I didn't care.

He came over to me, knealing down. "Is your memory back yet?" "What memory? I don't know her!" He sighed and got back up. "Atleast some feelings?" I kept quiet and he smirked.

"See Clarissa, it's wroking... Her feelings are slowly coming back, and soon after her memories will be back too." He walked back to her, lighting a cigarette. "Just look Leonora, what she's doing for you. What she's doing to get you back..." I watched as he pushed the cigarette onto her skin, making her whine.

"Maybe I have to take some fingers so you starte remembering faster. I slowly get bored." He light it again, taking the axe from the weapon stand.

With it in his hand, he walked back, holding her hand still. "Which one do we take first." He slowly pulled the blade over her hand, making her groan and try to get away. "How about the little one first, huh? And then we work our way up..." The smirk on his face was slowly starting to scare me.

I watched as he lifted the axe, staring at her hands. "Please... Remember..." She mouthed the words and time started to feel slow. The axe fell down slowly and it was if something hid my head. I saw her, in my office, we both had a glass of wine and were talking about our students.

Was this what they wanted me to remember? I stared into her brown eyes, remembering when I caught her when she tripped, as we were having a walk in her garden. They were the same ones I stared into that day.

"STOP! DON'T!" Her eyes were pressed shut and I had my own closed, but there was no scream. "Do you finally remember?" I opened them slowly, seeing that he placed the axe away. "I, I do... Oh lord, what have I done?" Tears made my vision blurry and I saw that disgusting smile on his face.

"Now, I thought about my original plan to make her forget you, but you know what?" He knealed down and leaned to my ear. I wanted to turn away, but he held my head where it was. "I let her keep her memories with you... But I make her believe that you were the one torturing her, not me." He stood back up and I stared at him, trying to stand up.

"No! No! DON'T YOU DARE! GET AWAY FROM HER!" I tried, but something held me down and I had to watch as he walked back, taking the cigarette from his mouth and pushing it onto her cheek. She screamed slightly, letting her head hang loose from her shoulder.

"DON'T DO THIS! PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU DON'T DO THIS!" He chuckled, moving his finger. Her eyes turned red and black and he leaned down to her ear. "She tortured you, not me..." I watched her eyes go back to normal, but she seemed unconscious.

"My job is done..." He smiled, before he disappeared. I finally could stand up and fell to my knees, running to Clarissa. "Princess... Princess..." I losened the ropes pulling her into my arms. "Your safe now, don't worry." "No, no! Get away from me! What are you playing for games?! Torturing me and then play girlfriends?!" I pulled back and looked at her.

"Get away from me! NOW! LEAVE ME ALONE!" She pushed me back and tried to crawl away, crying and sobbing. "STAY AWAY!" My heart was killing me. It was hurting more then I imagined a heart attack would hurt.

With a foggy mind, I walked over to the door and opened it, screaming for Enzo. It didn't take long till he came running to me.

"Mistress, there you are. We've all been searching for you..." "Get help. For her." My voice was breaking down and I leaned against the door. "NOW!" He nodded and ran off. I watched him, sliding down the door and feeling tears roll down, but there were no emotions in me.

"Red!" I didn't look up, I only pointed to Clarissa, not caring what was with me. "Dove, hey... Omg, what happened?" She turned back to me. "Rafal tortured her, to get back my memories. And made her believe I was the one doing that to her." "Because you did it! All you chuckles and that smirk!" Anemone pulled her into her arms, rubbing her back.

"Don't worry, we will get you out of here. Just calm down." I heard footsteps come closer, and felt how someone pulled me up. From the soft fur I assumed that it was Enzo, which picked me up and carried me away.

Rafal was right, this was hurting more then making her forget me. How should she ever trust me again?

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