Chapter 34

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(Warning: Mentions of suicidal ideation. Violence and gore. Reader discretion is advised.)

Authors Note: I'm sure a lot of you are very aware of where we are in the timeline right now. Just wanted to point out that this story is kind of like an alternate timeline compared to the show...and *certain scenarios* are not going to align with the show to a T. For the sake of book length, my plot, and getting to the next part of the book...things will not play out exactly the way they do in the show....a lot of big plot points I'm not gonna get into. But, I promise, it will all be just as impactful. Anyway, enjoy. :)


"Ow, fuck!" Dean hissed angrily as he squirmed against my hands.

"Well if you quit acting like a baby and sit still it wouldn't hurt so bad." I huffed, tugging the at the needle and pulling the thread through the gaping wound on Dean's side.

"Have you ever even stitched a wound before?" Dean grumbled.

"No, but I've fixed holes in my clothes before. Can't be that different right?" I snickered.

"God, I woulda been better off just duct taping the damn thing." he groaned.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm almost done." I rolled my eyes, gently shoving the needle through the broken skin once more.

I kept my eyes solely on the wound, carefully stitching it closed and ignoring Dean's grunts of protest. Thankfully his wounds weren't too severe...but the force behind Brady's attacks definitely did a number on him. The damage was more internal, but keeping the exterior wounds sanitary was the least I could do.

In the entirety of whatever the fuck was happening right now... it was the very least I could do.

I was so absorbed in my work that I didn't even hear the approaching footsteps, and I jumped a little as I heard Crowley's ominous voice erupt from behind me.

"Well, he's not talking." Crowley huffed. Dean and I both lifted our heads to glare at him, and noted the look of displeasure on his face.

"Wonderful. Now what?" Dean groaned, grabbing the whiskey I'd set on the sink beside him and helping himself to a healthy swig of it.

"Now, I go kick open a hive of demons." Crowley answered plainly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I raised my brows in surprise. "What the fuck would you do that for?"

"Yeah...aren't you kinda on the top of Hell's Most Wanted list? Seems a little counter-productive." Dean added.

"I'm not doing it for kicks, morons." Crowley groaned. "Here I go, sticking my neck out as a last resort for you Winchesters. Again. I have a way to get him to talk, just need to trust me on it."

Before Dean and I could say anything else, Crowley began to turn and walk away. But before he fully disappeared from view, he turned and shot us a warning glare. "This whole bloody ring business better work."

Dean's brows furrowed slightly. "What ring business?"

Crowley just gawked at him, bewildered. "The...horseman rings? The rings we've been busting our bollocks to get? Did that demon in there knock you silly?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "Obviously I know we're after the rings. We need them to wipe out the horsemen's influence, it's been working so far. "

Crowley continued to just stare, dumbfounded. "Do you truly not know the real reason we need the rings? Are you telling me you've been collecting them like baseball cards for funsies without knowing what they are actually used for?"

Heaven's So Far Away - A Sam Winchester X Female Reader FicWhere stories live. Discover now