Chapter 13

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Sam's POV

The drive to Bobby's place from Lawrence was very tense and utterly silent.

Y/N slept 95% of the time...understandably exhausted and worn out from everything she'd underwent over the past few days, so Dean kept the radio off to allow her to get as much rest as she could.

He was also being pissy with me and giving me the cold shoulder on top of that. I couldn't tell if it was the fact I'd dared to mention the demon blood in his presence once again...or the fact he'd caught me sneaking out on Y/N.

He was justified in being pissed about the latter... honestly, I was pissed at myself for thinking leaving a note and vanishing like a ghost would be the best way out...and I'm thankful he caught me when he did. It gave me plenty of time to dispose of the note I'd left and ease Y/N into things on my own terms, as best I could.

But the demon blood...I still don't feel like he's right about that.

I found myself pondering over it a lot during the drive. What other explanation was there for things unfolding the way they were?

I'm special. And no, that's not me being an egocentric jackass. It's the truth. My psychic abilities are due to the fact I'd ingested demon blood as an infant...and although I detested the fact at first...I began to realize just how much good my powers could do.

Don't get me wrong....I find myself itching for it from time to time. I'm not a vampire...the taste of blood was enough to send my gut roiling and fill me with disgust. But the good and natural it felt...the way I could feel my body morphing and strengthening as each crimson drop passed my lips......


Dean, and even my father...viewed me as some sort of monster....some kind of ticking time-bomb that would detonate and destroy the lives of thousands if I were to ever put a toe out of line.

But shady as she is...she'd shown me that I can kill demons...not join them. She'd shown me that with enough juice pumping through my veins...I could obliterate Lilith where she stood. I could save the world.

Why else would the demons be scrounging for a last resort like Y/N? Why else would they lay a trap for me and knock me off my game? They know it's true...they know I'm getting stronger...I've put the fear of God in them.

I just wish...with all my heart...that my brother could see it that way.

Maybe Y/N would understand...she seemed to accept the fact I have visions from time to time...maybe I could convince her it was the smart and strategic move....maybe she could help me convince Dean and Bobby that my intentions are pure.

But ultimately....I decided against that.

She was still coming to terms with everything in her own way. She'd just packed up shop and hopped into our car to be whisked away to a place live with a man she'd never met...for a length of time that none of us could accurately disclose to her.

Plus...the way she looked at me when she still thought I was clinically insane left a devastating mark on me...and I couldn't bare the thought of her looking at me as if I were a monster, in the event she didn't share my beliefs on the matter.

So...this would be our secret. And before Dean and I went inside her house to wake her.....I made Dean promise it would stay that way. I'll make Bobby promise the same thing.

It's not my intention to lie to her...technically, I'm not. I'm simply just withholding information that she doesn't need to be worrying about...because I knew she was about to be worrying constantly over so many other things.

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