Chapter 22

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Following my first ever tattoo session, Sam, Dean and I got some chinese takeout and made our way back to Bobby's.

To be honest...I'm not sure how I was feeling about the tattoo.

I've always wanted one...just never really had a reason to get one, so I never made it a priority...especially when Sam left...because at that point, I struggled to find the meaning in damn near everything. Nothing seemed worth getting a tattoo of.

Never did I imagine I'd have a freakin' pentagram over my exactly mirroring his and Dean' I'm part of some sort of cult.

Of course, after the explanation behind it, I knew it was for my own protection. Turns out, the media bastardizes pretty much everything...especially the meanings behind specific pagan and occult symbols. Turns out these things actually protect you from demonic entities...who knew?

I was a little bummed about it at first...I always wanted my first one to be special. I never thought my first one would be a life or death kinda deal.

But, in a way...I guess it is special. I have a matching one with Sam now...which is something I always wanted to do. Apparently I'd asked him to get one with me once upon a time. I don't remember doing that, but he seemed fond of that memory.

It kinda represents the batshit crazy life that we've been thrown into...whether for better or worse...but at least we're doing it and working through it together. And the fact I have it on my body also kinda shows that I'm supporting him...the best I can and any way I can.

So...I don't mind it really. In fact, getting a tattoo was kind of a rush...makes me want another one.

Bucket list for the future, I suppose....if we ever get to have one, beyond this whole Satan mess.

It was tough to stay in high spirits given the crushing weight of it all...and I'm just a third party, here...trying to put myself in Sam and Dean's shoes is nearly too much for me to handle, let alone them.

But...when they hopped in the car with me, they did seem to be in high spirits. Chuckling and laughing...probably the first time I've seen them act like brothers since they happened upon me. They wouldn't tell me what they were laughing about...but I didn't mind.

Seeing them both smile when faced with such a massive does the soul good. I know the bond between the two brothers is something immensely powerful...and it's so beautiful when you actually get a chance to see it.

To be honest...I'm starting to see Dean as a big brother myself. If I didn't have him keeping me busy and being empathetic with me...I probably wouldn't have handled Sam's absence as well as I did. Not only that, but...I feel a little more fearless now, thanks to him. I'm not a "hunter" by any means, but...I'm not helpless anymore either. And for that, I'm grateful.

They continued chatting casually amongst themselves all the way back to Bobby's, blasting music on the radio and snickering about whatever it is they were talking about.

Once we pulled up in the driveway, Sam hopped out of the car first in order to open my door for me chivalrously.

Suck up.

I stepped out and he immediately put his arm around me, holding me close to his side as he and Dean continued talking about one of their happier memories...when they were younger and they stole the Impala from their dad so they could go set off illegal fireworks in a field for the Fourth of July.

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