Chapter 18

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Sam's POV

It's been about three weeks since the events at St. Mary's Convent. Three weeks since I freed the Devil from his cage.

I was wholeheartedly convinced all of us were going to be disintegrated right then and there. The ringing in our ears was enough to make all of us collapse to our knees, and the nuclear bomb-level impact would surely destroy the building...leaving nothing of us behind. Not even a small trace.

I was so positive that Y/N and I would take our last breaths there together, wrapped in each other's embrace...and Dean would die right beside us.

But somehow...somehow we were teleported from that spot right in the nick of time.

Our eyes were clenched shut, but once they reopened, we found ourselves in an airplane, flying over the city where St. Mary's was located. Completely out of range and safe.

Dean was sitting in the seat by the window, Y/N in the middle and I was in the aisle seat. All of us just looked at each other while breathing heavily, quickly scanning our surroundings with confusion painted across our faces.

"What the hell...?" Dean breathed, looking to Y/N and I...but we were just as lost as he was.

None of us had any clue how we wound up on that plane...but something put us there...something saved us from imminent death...but what? Who?

Before we had a chance to truly get our bearings...the pilot began to speak, informing us that we were passing over Ilchester, Maryland as we began our initial descent...but his words got cut off as the explosion finally happened, the entire plane breaking out into hysterical panic.

It was truly...a nuclear bomb.

An enormous beam of bright, blinding light erupted, consuming the convent entirely and a wide radius surrounding it. The beam of light shot upwards into the sky, and it was a wonder how it didn't burn the entire city to ash. Maybe it did...the light was too blinding for us to make heads or tails of anything.

That was him....Lucifer's true form...freed.


The flight was terrifying and rocky, alarm bells blaring and oxygen masks deploying...but thankfully, the pilots were able to regain control of the plane and we made a safe emergency landing.

We'd managed to steal a car after we landed, much to Y/N's dismay, and we made our way back towards Sioux Falls...heading to Bobby's so we could try to figure out how to regroup from here.

I'd tried to speak up multiple times over the course of the drive... make at least some form of an attempt to apologize...state my remorse...say something...but Dean wasn't having it. He'd cut off my words every time I opened my mouth...he wasn't interested in a single word I had to say.

And as if that wasn't gut-wrenching appeared Y/N was in a similar position. She didn't utter a sound. Not a whimper...nor a sigh...nor even a sound of disgust. She was dead silent, and every time I tried to meet her eyes, she'd avert them from me. She couldn't even look in my general direction.

In an attempt to nullify the silence before I could break down into tears, I tried to turn on the radio...but that only made it worse. Every station I flipped through was a news station talking about horrifying reports...natural disasters...plagues and diseases spreading like wildfire...they debated whether the explosion in Maryland was an act of terrorism...talked about how other countries were building actual nuclear bombs and world war hangs in the balance...

Heaven's So Far Away - A Sam Winchester X Female Reader FicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang