Chapter 16

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Two weeks.

Fourteen days, three hours and twenty-four minutes to be exact.

That's how long Sam has been gone.

You would think after having gone seven years without the slightest inkling of whether or not he was even alive...that this would be a breeze. A cake walk to me.

But it wasn't. It was far from it.

In fact, I'd say this was probably worse...much worse. Because now I know the truth of the matter. The truth is...he's out there trying to save the world from biblical-level destruction...he's putting himself in the line of fire, risking death...I didn't know how exactly he was doing it, but I knew the severity of the situation. Knowing that...and knowing first-hand that he wasn't just out there being an auto mechanic...well, I'm sure you could imagine the anxiety-induced chokehold my heart was held in.

To make matters worse...I knew our love was still real. He was just as in love with me still as I was with him. I could taste it in the way he kissed me...I could see it in his eyes when he told me he had to leave...I could feel it in the way he touched me...our spark had been fully reignited atop the pile of ash it was previously left in.

So now, it wasn't just me suffering from the separation...I knew for a fact that he was too. And that just made it hurt way more. It made me all the more desperate to see him walk back up to this porch I was currently sitting on.

It felt like deja vu... it took me back to those days when I stayed curled up in a ball on my bed back at the apartment in California...and I just in and day see if that bedroom door would ever open again.

Back then, it was my heartache that kept me pinned to that spot. But it's my fear.

My eyes were fixated on the end of the driveway that lead up to Bobby's house, and I kept my ears on constant surveillance...seeing if I could pick up the sputtering roar of that old engine of the beater he drove away in.

I tried to distract myself...I got to know Bobby and Dean a little better. Bobby let me read some of his books on the supernatural and he'd gladly answer any questions I had about anything. Dean taught me some self-defense...taught me how to properly hold and use a firearm, since that's something I'd never done in my life.

They were both very welcoming and accommodating...and the fact that I just dropped into their lives out of the clear blue sky, yet they were taking such good care of me and equipping me with some skills I may need to survive this chaos for Sam's sake...I found that very respectable.

Bobby had become a comforting father figure to have around, and Dean was becoming a very valued friend. I think he and I related on the grounds that having Sam away and doing something unpredictable was devastating to both of was comforting to know that at least this time around, I wasn't alone.

Although...neither of them could really give me a specific answer as to what Sam was doing...where he might be. I didn't know if they just genuinely were unaware...or if they were withholding something from me. I'd like to think in the short time I'd been here, we'd come to respect one another. But I couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking on eggshells about something.

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