*Chapter 9*

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(Warning: Soft-ish Smut ahead. This chapter contains graphic depictions of sexual imagery. Reader discretion advised!)

Sam's POV

"Has she said anything?" Dean asked gently from the other end of the phone.

I peered into the living room from the kitchen and glanced over at Y/N, who was curled up on the couch, hugging her knees tightly to her chest as she gazed into the fireplace...although her eyes looked like they were staring way beyond a thousand yards. 

She hadn't spoken since we put the vengeful spirit down...obviously, in a deep state of shock and disbelief...which was common when it came to civilians encountering the supernatural for the first time...but the fact it was happening to her just tore me up inside.

I thought she believed me after she made the connection between my story and her patient's story...but clearly she was just taking my word at face value...she didn't actually believe it until she experienced it first hand. 

Honestly, that's probably why the spirit came for me...Y/N was still under the impression that I was an agitated lunatic.

But I wasn't mad at her, how the hell could I blame her for any of what transpired?...I was honestly just distraught...seeing her in such a state was something I prayed I would never have to witness...and I couldn't shake the feeling that somehow, in some way...it was my fault.

Dean had left shortly after the encounter, deciding to give us a little more space, and encouraging me to spend the night here with her to make sure she was okay while she slept. Although...the time was currently 8:07AM...and she hadn't slept a wink.

She just kept watching the flickering flames with a cold, detached stare...in silence...all night.

I wanted so badly to just run over to her, cradle her in my arms and ask her what she's thinking...I was so desperate to know what was going through her mind...but I knew I had to be patient, and I couldn't push it...because for all I knew, I was a complete stranger in her eyes now, after learning the truth. 

"No...nothing." I answered Dean with a defeated sigh, turning away from Y/N to walk further into the kitchen as I hung my head and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"She'll come around, man...don't get too beaten up about it." he assured me.

"I hope so. Seeing her like this..." I gnawed at my lower lip.

"I know." Dean muttered.

There was an awkward pause...probably Dean's way of giving me a second to collect myself before our conversation continued.

"I'm gonna head back to the hospital...see if I can find out what this 'inside man' knows." Dean informed me.

"Yeah, good idea. Do you want back-up?" I offered.

"Nah...I think I got it covered. You just stay there and...do what you gotta do I guess.

"Dean..." I pressed my lips together...immediately saddened by the words that were about to come out of my mouth. "You and I both know I can't stay here with her..." 

Dean sighed. "I know, Sammy...we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. But right now she needs you...I'll call you if I got news, okay?"

"Yeah." I whispered.

With that, the phone call ended, and once I shoved my phone in my pocket, I gripped onto the sides of the kitchen sink, hanging my head defeatedly over it as I tried to process how in the hell to move forward from here. 

Heaven's So Far Away - A Sam Winchester X Female Reader FicWhere stories live. Discover now