Chapter 10

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Dean's POV

Following the events at Y/N's house, I went back to the motel to unwind a little bit.

Part of me wanted to stay to make sure no more crap was gonna go down and everything was safe and secure...but once I got a good look at Sam and Y/N...I kinda figured that the spirit had just interrupted them in the middle of...."making up", I guess.

I didn't want to intrude on them even more...although, I gotta admit....a chick that hot is way out of my brother's league. 

Nonetheless...even a blind man could stand in their general vicinity and feel the love and angst radiating off of them like a burning heat...I didn't know their entire story...but whatever they had was special and complex. I'm not gonna made me a little envious. But the fact my brother found something so good at some point in this crazy life of ours...that made me more happy than anything.

And I'll be damned if I let him fuck that up anymore than he already has...hunter or not. 

Normally, I was against the idea of romance in the "workplace". Having a girl involved just made our already hectic, clusterfuck lives even more complicated. But I'd never seen Sam get so emotional...I'd never seen him shut down and spiral out of control over a girl...and though that may be an obstacle in achieving our goals....I really hoped he kept her around....kept her in the front of his mind.

Because if he did...then maybe...just maybe....he would forget about and stay away from...her.


Besides...given everything that transpired...if he hadn't told Y/N the whole truth about us yet...he had to now...there was no other choice. And I think I know Sam well enough to say that he wanted to tackle that on his own. 

So, I left for the motel to get a little shut-eye...and then when I woke up, I called Sam...which is when he informed me that Y/N had a patient that was actually a solid lead on I decided to go grill him for info, while Sam had Y/N safely at home. 

I got in my FBI get-up yet again, armed myself with a pistol and my demon-killing blade (which I loved...even though I despised the thing that gave it to us) and made my way to the hospital.

 Jeremy Martin was the guy's name. According to the nurse at the front desk, he wasn't feeling too well, so if I needed to interview him, I needed to do it in his room. 

Probably for the best anyway...I didn't know how he would react to the questions I needed to ask him. And if for whatever reason I needed to defend myself, I could do it away from prying eyes. 

So I walked down the halls of the psych ward, avoiding eye contact with all of the patients who seemed to take a keen interest in me for some reason...until I found Jeremy's room, and I knocked twice before gently pushing the door open and peering my way inside. 

He was sitting straight with his legs crossed and his back facing me, staring intently at the wall across from him, and I could tell by the movements of his shoulders he was heavily fidgeting with his hands in his lap.

He was a young-ish guy...maybe mid to late thirties...was on the lankier side. His brown hair was all ruffled and messed up, and his skin was as pale as snow...probably from the lack of sunshine that everyone in here suffers from. 

"Mr. Martin?" I announced my presence, cautiously pacing inside as I quietly closed the door behind me.

"Who's asking?" he grunted in a sullen tone. 

Heaven's So Far Away - A Sam Winchester X Female Reader FicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang