Part 23: Sister V/s Brother

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(Back in the present)

(Your POV)

Ichigo: I didn't know you had a sister.

You: I thought I lost everything.

Tears were forming in your eyes.

You: I thought I lost everything when I saw what happened, I...I thought I lost you guys.

You ran to her and hugged her. You were crying now as you are a emotional mess.

You: I thought I lost you, Mom, Dad, Grandpa, our home, and everything.

Ariela hugs you and pets your head.

Ariela: It's alright, I missed you too brother.

You guys sit there for a minute hugging and crying.

(Timeskip because of the emotional author)

A/n: Sorry.

B/y: ꞩħᵾⱦ ᵾꝑ !

Y/n: Let's continue on.

A/n: Alright.

Ichigo was training with the Vizards perfecting his hollow with time. While you and Ariela talked.

You: I see, so Mom and Dad didn't make it, and Grandpa is still alive.

You: Wait! How did you get here anyway?

Ariela: Grandpa got me here. He brought me to this room of portals to different places.

You: Why did Grandpa send you here then?

Ariela: To find someone.

You: Find who?

Ariela: Grandpa was taking care of them.

You: You don't mean Preston do you?

Ariela: I don't know their name.

You: Were they dead?

Ariela: Yeah, but then they disappeared so then they can't be dead.

You: Someone must have taken him, but who?

Ariela: Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you. I have powers.

You: Really?

Ariela: Yeah you want to see?

I look back at Ichigo training.

You: Yeah but let's fight for some training.

Ariela: Wait you want to fight me?

You: Yep.

Ariela: Okay.

You bring her over to a empty area.

You: Okay let me put a barrier up.

You snap your fingers to put an invisible barrier up that people can't see or hear what you guys are doing.

You: Okay let's get this started.

Ariela: Okay.

THE GOD MADE FROM NOTHING BOOK 2: Y/n x BleachOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant