Part 22: A Sister's Past (Sick Day)

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Ichigo: Y/n, who is that?

Y/n: That's my sister.

Everyone, but y/n: WHAAAAAT!?!?

A/n: Okay I know I said that there wasn't going to be a flashback or previous, but in this part or chapter or whatever you want to call it, this will be a flashback, and it's important, and also if my spelling and grammar is off sorry, I'm a little sick ( and by a little I mean I threw up when I woke up, and 4 times after that, then I forced myself to get up and down stairs which sucked, then I layed on the couch and stayed there till like an hour ago and I'm drinking and eating my first thing all day. Which is grilled cheese, and a cherry 7 up.) Anyways let's get started. 

Y/n: You talk too much, just let them read the story.

A/n: Fine, fine. I don't want to argue. I have a headache, and I-

B/y: Ȼⱥꞥ ɏꝋᵾ ƀꝋⱦħ ꞩħᵾⱦ ᵾꝑ?!

B/y: Łēⱦ'ꞩ ɉᵾꞩⱦ ꞡēⱦ ⱦħīꞩ ꞩⱦⱥɍⱦēđ ⱥłɍēⱥđɏ.


(Ariela's POV)

I was in the living room with Mom, and Dad eating and watching some show that I can't remember too much. An explosion came and everything went flying. I couldn't move, my eyes were open, I could barely breathe. Then I saw my older brother walk out, I tried yelling for help, but I couldn't talk. I couldn't move all I could do was watch and hear my brother cry and ask for help. I was scared for us, then something changed with him, he attacked a person in black, and they went flying. I saw his smile on his face, and I thought because of that smile everything was going to be okay, then I blacked out.

I woke up and I was by myself, all I could see was the darkness and I looked around and saw that not only my home, but my village was destroyed. I looked at the sky and saw a glow in the distance as I was able to get up, and walk forward. I stepped on something, it was red, it was old blood. I looked in shock as I moved forward towards the light in the distance. I made it to the light in a destroyed little house. There was the smell of blood. I went in my curiosity controlled my body, making me move my body forward. I made my way inside and saw someone go through a portal. 

I walk further in stepping on a piece of the broken building, causing the old man to be alerted, and turn around

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I walk further in stepping on a piece of the broken building, causing the old man to be alerted, and turn around. 

Old man: Who are you?

Ariela: Um Ariela, what was that?

Old man: Ariela, huh? Interesting, he will be very happy to see you again.

THE GOD MADE FROM NOTHING BOOK 2: Y/n x BleachWhere stories live. Discover now