Part 8

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Byakuya:  Are you ready then?

You: Born ready!

(3rd Person Pov)

You rush to Byakuya with no blade and you go for a punch, he dodges the punch and swings his zanpakuto at you in which you dodge. You then connect with a punch sending the captain flying back at a wall. You have a smirk on your face.  

You: Got em

You say to yourself as the dust was settling where Byakuya was at. Byakuya ad blood falling from the right side of his forehead. 

Renji's thoughts: Who the hell is this guy? He just landed a hit on the captain and made him sent flying, and if that wasn't enough he made him bleed as well. 

Rukia's thoughts: Amazing, Y/n was able to land a hit on brother.

Just then a huge burst of spiritual pressure came from the dust.

Byakuya: Scatter, Zenpanzakuo. 

Renji and Rukia: !?!?

You: What's this? 

You say to yourself starting to get interested. Byakuya's zanpakuto turned into pink peddles. The peddles dispersed from Byakuya and went for you.

You dodge the peddles as they continue to go after you as you continue to dodge.

Byakuya: Enough fooling around.

The pink peddles went all around you and encased you in a ball of those peddles. You were in the ball of peddles for a moment then the are around you started to get heavy all of a sudden.

Byakuya: !?!? What is this spiritual pressure?

The peddles dispersed when you release your sword from it's sheath.

You: This is going to be more fun than I thought.

You rushed a Byakuya as the peddles went after me from where I was just at, you just keep dodging them. You reach Byakuya and swing your sword at a defenseless captain and cut his arm as he takes a few feet back.

Byakuya: *Pant* *Pant*, Enough, it's time to end this. 

The peddles come back to his sword handle.

Byakuya: Bankia.

Byakuya let's go of his zanpakuto and it goes through the ground. Just then multiple big blades of swords came from the ground.

(Minus the pink in the end)

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(Minus the pink in the end)

Rukia: Y/n, run!!!


Ichigo gets back up and goes after Byakuya only to be cut down, he continues to cut Ichigo. Rukia pleads to her older brother to stop with tears falling from her face, but Byakuya does not listen as he continues to cut Ichigo.

You: okay, alright damn it! I give up! You can take Rukia.

Byakuya stops attacking Ichigo and looks at you

Byakuya: Very well than.

Byakuya's zanpakuto goes back to normal and then a door appears and opens up as Byakuya and Renji take Rukia back to the soul society. 

Ichigo: Stop... Get b..back here. I'm not.. done wi..with you y..yet.

You: Stop Ichigo you're in no condition to fight. 

???: He isn't wrong you know 

You and Ichigo: ?!?!

???: I'll heal you guys back to full strength come on now.

You: Okay.

Ichigo: I'm not going with him.

You chop the back of Ichigo's neck and he is knocked out. You pick him up and you bring him with you and follow this mystery person.

THE GOD MADE FROM NOTHING BOOK 2: Y/n x BleachWhere stories live. Discover now